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How Truck Drivers Can Drive Safely At Night?

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Truck driving is an extremely risky job and its complexities increase when you are driving at night. Since humans are naturally programmed to take rest at night. Therefore, it is natural for truck drivers to feel tired and sleepy at night.


Nevertheless, the nature of their job still makes them prefer nighttime driving. The intent is to take advantage of free roads and cover long distances in a short time.


Driving on free roads does not mean there is no risk involved in nighttime truck driving. In fact, the perception of free roads often makes the drivers more relaxed, hence, they make more mistakes. Drivers have to consider various factors to drive safely at night.


Fortunately, professional truck drivers have found some useful ways to be active and safe while driving at night.


These techniques are also taught by the professional truck driving school in their specially crafted truck driving courses. In this article, we will discuss these useful techniques in detail.


Clean Your Windshield


Dust and debris can build up on a truck's windshield which can limit the driver's visibility. Therefore, cleaning the windshield before starting a trip and even during the trip is imperative. 


Along with that, keep the wiper blades clean as dirty wipers can make the windshield dirty.


Use Lights To Be Visible


Headlights of your vehicle play a significant role in nighttime driving. On a dark road, lights not only improve vision but also ascertain your presence on the road.


Moreover, indicators and other lights of the vehicle help to give different signs to the other vehicles on road, therefore always check these lights before going on a trip.


Following vehicle lights can help a driver communicate with other drivers at night:

  • Indicators


  • Reflectors


  • Marker Lights


  • Tailights


  • Clearance Lights


Wear Reflective Vest And Night Vision Glasses


In most trucking companies, it is mandatory for truck drivers to wear reflective vests during their working hours. So that people can see them from far away.


Similarly, night vision glasses also help drivers to overcome night vision problems. These glasses are designed to minimize the glare from the lights of other vehicles so that the drivers can see more clearly.


Avoid Being Drowsy


Truck drivers usually enjoy their job but they can feel drowsy or tired during their duty hours, especially if it's night. 


The following tips can be used to reduce the risk of fatigue and be active:


  • Get enough sleep during the off-duty hours.


  • Take regular breaks during the trip to avoid burnout.


  • Avoid going alone when you have to travel for long periods. Instead, take a co-driver with whom you can share the drive.


  • Try to take a short nap if possible as this will help you stay active.


Avoid Smoking


Some truck drivers keep smoking while driving to stay active. In reality, smoking can do more bad than good. In fact, too much intake of nicotine can affect your ability to see at night.


Have chewing gum or a few sips of coffee instead of picking up a cigarette. Doing so will keep you active and prevent possible health issues caused by smoking.


Do Proper Planning


Before going on a trip spare some time to create a detailed plan. Your plan should include complete information regarding departure and arrival times, number of stops, etc.


By planning the trip you will take the safest route, stop your truck at the planned location and save a lot of time. 


Think Before You Stop


Driving at night is far more dangerous than driving during the day. Since a truck driver can face various risks at night such as robbery, criminal attack etc. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose a safe rest place. 


To avoid mishaps you can search online about rest areas and check customer reviews to find a safe location. 


Moreover, try to stop at restaurants having security cameras installed in the building and parking area. 


Take Professional Truck Driving Classes


Truck drivers can keep themselves updated with the changing road practices and needed skills by enrolling in a truck driving refresher course. In this class, you can polish your driving skills and experience techniques for truck driver safety and nighttime driving. 


Once you have learned these techniques you will drive more confidently and skillfully during day and night.




Truck drivers often believe it is extremely peaceful to drive at night. However, there are various risks involved in driving at night and it can be hazardous to ignore those risks. 


Therefore, truck drivers should take all precautionary measures for safe nighttime driving. 


If you want to start a career as a truck driver you can get enrolled in a professional truck driving course to learn expert driving skills from professional instructors and excel in your career.