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Once a colossus is found, the gamer must discover its weak factors to loss it. Each colossus dwells in a unique Totosehati , and in most encounters the gamer must use some aspects of the present combat location to benefit, a demand that becomes more pronounced as the computer system system system computer system video game progresses.The first 2 fights occur on simple, vast, level locations of Totosehati , where the player's simply objective is to discover how to range the colossi and attack their weak Totosehati.However, most of the following fourteen fights require that the gamer make use the bordering environment.

Every colossus contends the very the very the very the very the very least one weak point, symbolized by a glowing sigil that can be illuminated and determined by the sword's reflected light. Each colossus has locations protected with hair or protruding ledges, which Walk may use to hold and range the colossus while it thrashes about in an campaign to remove Totosehati. Walk has a low endurance gauge that decreases as he hangs right right right right into the Totosehati ; the gamer thus must act quickly when they range the family pet family pet dog pet. Along with the colossi, that are the simply challengers of the computer system system system computer system video game, the environment is inhabited by all-natural Totosehati. Simply one species, however, has an end result on gameplay: consuming the tail of a specific type of lizard increases Wander's endurance Totosehati. Likewise, the gamer may find fruit that increases Wander's maximum health and wellness and health and wellness and health and health and wellness.

Wander's equine, Agro,plays a large role in the computer system system system computer system video game. Along with her capacity as a way of transport, Agro enables the gamer to combat from horseback, a crucial opportunity to defeating some of the Totosehati. However, the computer system system system computer system video game is comprised of many atmospheres that gamers cannot traverse by equine, and colossi are often found in locations within deep spray or previous large challenges that must be Totosehati. Agro cannot travel previous these, when separated from Walk by such challenges, cannot join the following fight. While throughout the computer system system system computer system video game, Wander's equipment is comprised of simply a sword and a bow with Totosehati , in succeeding playthroughs gamers may access bonus devices and in-game features after finishing optional Time Attack Totosehati , which enable the fights with the colossi to be replayed with a limited time limit.


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