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The body possesses different mechanisms in order to  Pandemic Survival Review  sustain its survival and maintenance of homeostasis. Aside from the defensive body systems such as the integument and the immune system, the body also has adaptation mechanisms that respond if stimuli from the external environment trigger it. These stimuli may either produce bodily benefits or lead to complications such as diseases and disorders. Adaptation mechanisms are not entirely beneficial in some cases.

The body controls an adaptation mechanism we call hyperplasia. This form of mechanism induces cellular division or proliferation in those areas that are affected. This mechanism acts as a normal response to external stimuli. Hyperplasia came from the Greek words “Hyper” meaning increased and “plasia” which means growth. This mechanism is triggered by several factors. This adaptation mechanism responds to tissue damage and makes them stronger by increasing cellular division. Chronic inflammation also triggers this mechanism as seen in the case of smokers who get their respiratory system irritated. The cells undergo hyperplasia and proliferate in order to thicken the protective layers and facilitate as defense against irritants. This action is also triggered by increased demand and prolonged injury. Usually medical practitioners link this process to cancer development. However, a different type of mechanism is present in cancer development. The process is called neoplasia, wherein cells becomes abnormal and multiplies its number. This action disturbs the normal physiology of the body.



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