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Sky was dark,

Without a ray.

Earth so big

like a directionless walkway.

Quivering with fear

I stepped ahead.

The road was bare,

I felt so unaided

to step back.

I stood still

In the middle of puzzle.

Wrapped in my own arms,

eyes wide open,

I looked nowhere.

Air became moist

As I blinked,

a droplet came down,

kissing my cheeks.

Suddenly the little drop stopped.

It was a pearl

Quiescent on a soft hand.

As I looked up,

I saw a smile.

“I knew you would be there…always”.

Again sheathed in arms,

with a hug this time.

We walked the road,

to a new creation.

To a new Bearing…

PS- This was the first poem I posted on my long abandoned blog – Merry Subdued Happiness way back in August 2009. Posting it here again in response to IndiSpire Prompt


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