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What is Image Labeling?

Image labeling is a process of assigning descriptive keywords, tags, or metadata to an image based on its visual characteristics. It involves identifying objects, people, places or other relevant features within an image and labeling them with appropriate tags that allow the images to be easily searched and identified.

For example, if we have an image of a dog sitting in a park – the image can be labeled with various tags such as “dog”, “park”,”nature” etc. This makes it easier for users to find similar images when searching through large collections of digital assets.

Image labeling has become increasingly important due to the growing use of digital imagery across various industries including e-commerce websites which require tagging and categorizing product images for better search results; medical imaging databases that need accurate labels for diagnosis purposes; social media platforms where user-generated content needs to be moderated efficiently etc.

The recent advances in computer vision technology and artificial intelligence (AI) have made it even more efficient by automating object recognition tasks using algorithms that can recognize objects within images and label them accordingly. Overall Image Labeling helps manage large volumes of digital assets by making them searchable while also improving efficiency through automation.

Methods used in image labeling

There are various methods used in image labeling, depending on the requirements of each project. Here are some common methods:

Manual Annotation

Manual image annotation is the process of manually defining labels for an entire image or drawing regions in an image and adding textual descriptions for each region. This method involves a human annotator who carefully examines an image to identify objects, draw bounding boxes or polygons around them, and assign labels to each object.

While manual annotation can produce accurate results, it has some drawbacks such as inconsistency when multiple annotators are involved and difficulty scaling up for large datasets. To ensure consistency in labeling, annotators must be provided with clear instructions and consideration needs to be given to quality control of the labeling.

Semi-Automated Annotation

Semi-automated image annotation is a method that combines automated algorithms with manual annotations to label images. This technique involves using an automated annotation tool to detect object boundaries in an image and provide a starting point for manual annotators.

The algorithm of the image annotation software is not 100% accurate, but it can save time for human annotators by providing at least a partial map of objects in the image. The human annotator then corrects any errors or adds additional labels as needed.

Automated Annotation

Automated annotation uses computer vision techniques such as object detection, semantic segmentation and other deep learning models for recognizing objects within images and tagging them accordingly without any human intervention


Crowdsourcing is an increasingly popular method of image labeling where businesses or organizations outsource the task of labeling images to a large group of people through online platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk. Crowdsourcing allows for quick and cost-effective annotation of large volumes of images by leveraging the power and diversity of human input.

In crowdsourced image labeling, workers are given instructions on how to label each type of object within an image consistently across all annotators. These guidelines ensure consistency while also minimizing errors caused by human subjectivity. The workers may be paid per image, per hour or in some cases rewarded with points that can be redeemed for cash or other incentives.

While crowdsourcing offers many benefits such as speed and scalability, it also has its own challenges such as quality control since there is no way to guarantee the accuracy or proficiency level among different contributors . However, various strategies like redundancy checks (where multiple workers annotate same images independently)and worker qualification mechanisms help mitigate this issue

Active Learning

This approach allows machine learning models to learn from previous data sets by asking humans questions about specific regions or parts of the image that it needs more information on improving accuracy over time.

Image Labeling in saiwa


Image labeling online in Saiwa is a simple technique that can be completed in several phases.
Here are some phases to manually label an image:

  1. Select the image dataset
  2. Establish the label classes.
  3. Use labeling software to label the images.
  4. Save the labeling data in a training format (JSON, YOLO, etc.).

The features of the Saiwa image labeling online service


  • Promote the use of the three most common types of labeling.
  • For complicated situations, an interactive interface with a few clicks is required.
  • Save to commonly used labeling formats
  • Labels with various overlapping and advanced
  • The results can be exported and archived locally or in the individual’s cloud.
  • The Saiwa team can customize services through the “Request for Customization” option.
  • View and save the labeled images.

applications of image labeling

There are many applications of image labeling, including but not limited to:


Image labeling is essential in e-commerce websites where product images need to be tagged with relevant labels such as brand name, color, size etc., making them easily searchable for customers.

Medical Imaging

In medical imaging databases, accurate labeling helps radiologists diagnose diseases or injuries more efficiently by identifying specific organs or anomalies within the images.

Autonomous Vehicles

Image labeling plays a crucial role in developing autonomous vehicles by enabling object recognition which allows AI algorithms to identify and avoid obstacles while driving on roads.

Surveillance Systems

Security cameras use image labeling techniques for detecting and tracking objects like vehicles or people moving through monitored areas

Social Media Platforms

User-generated content needs moderation using automated image analysis that can detect inappropriate content before it gets published

Agriculture Industry

Farmers may use labeled imagery data sets from drones or satellite images to monitor crop health across large fields

Overall,image labeling has become an increasingly important process due to the growing demand for digital assets management across various industries . It provides businesses with an efficient way of managing their visual content while also allowing automation of tasks like object recognition which improves efficiency and reduces costs over time.