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That is why the focus on digital solutions’ implementation in business is not only the question of comfort but also the question of sustainability. E-signatures have been highlighted as one of the many digital technologies that hold a critical role in the elimination of paper use and the improvement of business processes. It has been observed that the usage of e-signatures in the Philippines is affecting corporate practices to a very large extent and has helped in reducing environmental issues related to signatures and making business sustainable.


Electronic signatures also known as E-signatures refer to a virtual substitute of a handwritten signature which allows documents to be signed through digital means. E-signatures are enforceable in the Philippines and have the same legal weight as traditional, written signatures, as stipulated by the Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 (Republic Act No. 8792). Such legal support has inspired many organizations to convert to e-signature hence cutting down on the use of papers.


UNAWA, today’s prominent legal tech, stands out as an excellent example of this shift. UNAWA is the leading e-signature solution in the Philippines and provides secure and comprehensive e-signature solutions for different industries. Apart from guaranteeing that digital transactions are legal in their jurisdictions, their solutions reduce the use of paper by a large margin, thus preserving the environment.


The extent of the role of e-signatures in minimizing paper usage in the Philippines is daunting. The business environment of large companies often requires the exchange of numerous documents, ranging from contracts and agreements to internal memos and emails. This practice does not only create waste, but also entails a significant amount of costs associated with printing, storage, and recycling. Corporations can leverage e-signatures for these processes; this means that corporations can avoid the use of paper and therefore reduce the consumption of paper.


E-signatures also help manage business processes, which improves efficiency across various operations. Signatures can be conducted electronically and interchange of documents can also be done electronically thus cutting on time and resources used in preparing and mailing documents. It does not only increase efficiency but also is an effective way of achieving a company’s green agenda of reducing carbon emissions.


Besides, e-signatures in the Philippines are also relevant to sustainability and following laws at the global level. The global standards and regulations that have been established recently focus on minimizing paper waste and going green. Adopting e-signatures as a solution at the corporate level can also help corporations meet these standards and improve their CSR so that they can support the expectations of environmentally sensitive stakeholders.


It is worth acknowledging that compliance is one of the key factors when adopting e-signatures. From the homepage, it is clear that UNAWA’s e-signature platform provides both convenience of signing as well as legal enforcement and protection. These legal and regulatory supports offer corporations a legal cover to go for e-signatures since they tell the corporate entities that their e-signature documents are valid and legal.


Yet another major benefit of e-signatures stems from their application in disaster recovery and business continuity planning. Problems such as fire burns, floods, or any other disaster pose a lot of danger to paper-based documents. On the other hand, digital documents signed with e-signatures are in electronic format, which is normally a backup system to ensure that information is retained and can be retrieved in cases of any adversity.


Therefore, the use of e-signatures in the Philippines is helpful and has a significant positive effect on cutting paper usage in businesses. Through the adoption of digital solutions, firms improve the effectiveness of their operations, ventilate into environmental standards, and thus support sustainability outcomes. As key industries like the UNAWA move towards the use of e-signatures it is not only good for business but also the environment. As more companies in the Philippines gradually embrace the use of e-signatures, society’s efforts towards fighting environmental degradation as a result of paper shredding are likely to improve greatly not only in the business world but also in society as a whole.