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AIE's course is the perfect balance of didactic/hands-on implant experience for the beginner. They give you the treatment planning foundation and surgical techniques that allow you to be successful in your practice immediately.

Dr. Cox graduated from Lipscomb University and completed a 1-year AEGD residency at Foundry Dental Center. She enjoys spending time with her family, exercising, and Auburn football!

What is the AAID Credentialed Member Program?

Obtaining AAID credentials takes a dentist’s professional commitment and credibility to the next level with Alabama Implant Education. Licensed dentists who earn AAID credentials have demonstrated knowledge of and proficiency in the surgical placement and restoration of dental implants. They have also successfully completed a comprehensive written and oral examination by peers.

AAID-c Credentialed Members are able to perform procedures that improve the quality of life for their patients. Patients who choose an AAID-credentialed implant dentist can rest assured that they are receiving care from a skilled, knowledgeable, ethical practitioner.

AAID offers programs for every level of expertise in implant dentistry. The organization provides members with access to high-quality structured continuing education through the Dental Campus, and the opportunity to attend exclusive courses featuring CNN Medical Correspondent Sanjay Gupta. The foundation also sponsors the AAID Annual Meeting’s keynote presentation and limited-attendance “Gupta Experience,” which raises funds for future research and humanitarian projects. To learn more about becoming an AAID Credentialed Member, visit the AAID website.

What is the AAID Continuing Education Program?

Today’s clinician has many options when it comes to dental implant education. Many of these courses are 1- or 2-day programs on a particular topic, often held over the weekend. While these courses offer a great introduction to the implant field, they are not designed to provide comprehensive knowledge of the diagnostics and intricacies of implant dentistry.

In contrast, the AAID MaxiCourses are 300-plus hour comprehensive implant courses that will set your implant foundation. These non-commercial courses are comprised of lectures, live surgery demonstrations, hands-on sessions, and in-depth reviews of surgical and prosthetic protocol. Our participants leave these courses with a solid understanding of diagnostic and treatment modalities that they can immediately apply to their practices. Moreover, our faculty guidance does not end after the course; they are available for post-course mentorship to help you implement your newfound skills. These mentoring opportunities will allow you to reach your next level of success with implant dentistry.

What is the AAID Boot Camp?

One of the most popular courses offered at Alabama Implant Education is a week-long boot camp that gives dentists the chance to immerse themselves in implant placement and learn everything they need to know about placing implants in abundant bone. This course offers the perfect balance of didactic learning and hands-on implant surgery training for beginner implantologists. The staff at Alabama Implant Education is also great at accommodating requests for specific surgeries that a doctor might need some more practice with. This is a wonderful course and one that I would definitely recommend to any AEGD who wants to learn more about placing implants! Thank you! -Dr. McCracken. AEGD, San Antonio, TX

For an even more in-depth implant course, AAID-c Credentialed Members have the opportunity to participate in the Mini Implant Residency at Alabama Implant Education.

What is the AAID Mini Implant Residency?

This premier MaxiCourse features not only lectures by world-renowned implantologists but also Webinars, Cadaver Training, and Hands-On Modules. This intensive course provides an in-depth overview of state-of-the-art implant dentistry. It assesses several implant systems and their application and prepares the participant for the written portion of the AAID Associate Fellow membership examination at dental implants in Birmingham Alabama.

This 300-hour interdisciplinary program is designed to impart an understanding of diagnostic and treatment modalities in order to offer exceptional care for patients who are candidates for dental implant therapy. The program utilizes a case-based learning methodology with lectures, demonstrations, interactive seminars, hands-on sessions, live clinical patient treatment, and relevant reviews of literature emphasizing evidence-based clinical approaches to the management of implant patients. The Boston MaxiCourse participants perform daily hands-on surgical simulations and prosthetic implant treatment on a variety of models. The Boston MaxiCourse is non-commercial and satisfies the educational requirements for the AAID Associate Fellowship. It also fulfills the didactic and participation requirements for a number of professional societies and certifying boards.


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