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Importance of Asbestos Removal Services

Did you know you may be exposed to low levels of asbestos daily? Although commonly found in old buildings, this hazardous fibre is still present in many New Zealand homes with unchecked insulation, roofing, tiling, and paints. This toxic mineral can cause mild to severe health problems. An asbestos removal specialist in NZ prevents exposure and eventual illness.

This article will highlight the dangers of asbestos and the importance of asbestos removal services for every Kiwi home. Let's first understand this material and where it came from.

What is asbestos?

Asbestos is a fibrous silicate material found in nature. It can come in varying colours, including grey, blue, green, and other variations. Initially a staple ingredient in old construction materials, it became obsolete due to its illness and cancer-causing elements.

Although governments regulate the use of asbestos in building materials, it remains present, lurking in old and untouched houses and offices.

What makes asbestos dangerous?

Asbestos minerals and materials with incorporated asbestos crystals can release tiny fibres into the air. Either through abrasion or other disturbances and processes, these fibres become airborne and can enter your body through inhalation. 

Inhaled asbestos fibres stay in the lungs and other areas of the body. This foreign element can destroy your organs from within and cause chronic lung diseases, such as asbestosis and lung cancer.

How do you prevent asbestos exposure at home?

If you're living in an old house or suspect a material containing harmful levels of asbestos, you can contact an asbestos removal specialist. 

Once you confirm the presence of this hazardous material, your asbestos removal expert can implement the necessary methods. Their chosen method will depend on the source and extent of the contamination. 

Here are some of the most effective methods for asbestos removal.

Enclosing and Sealing

The use of asbestos in NZ is regulated but is not illegal. If you suspect the presence of harmful asbestos, your specialist can apply sealing, enclosing, and encapsulating methods. 

These techniques have the same goal: cover the material with a protective layer to prevent the fibres from being released into the air. 

Asbestos Removal

Asbestos removal is naturally a more effective anti-exposure procedure than sealing. Since home components rich in this mineral are prone to crumble and general deterioration, your asbestos specialist can identify suspected contamination. They can verify by testing samples at a laboratory.

Once contamination is confirmed, specialists use HEPA vacuums, negative air pressure equipment, and other machines to reduce and eliminate airborne asbestos fibres. 

Is DIY asbestos removal safe?

General home care and maintenance practices won't solve your asbestos problems. DIY asbestos disposal may even do more harm than good. Instead, always rely on experts for safer and more efficient solutions.

Asbestos removal providers undergo safety training and use protective equipment to complete the work safely and thoroughly. Aside from their expertise in identifying and removing different asbestos variants, they have the laboratory resources to implement the most appropriate solution.

Remember, don't hesitate to hire professionals with the training, experience, and license to assess your home's asbestos situation. Contact your local asbestos removal specialist in NZ today before it's too late!

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