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Important Vitamins For Brain Function and Where to Find Them

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Your brain is the most important organ in your body. You use it for every function imaginable. The brain controls your motor skills, vision, temperature, emotions, thoughts, and every process that maintains and regulates your body. It’s no surprise that there are supplements out there made to boost your brain health.

What Causes Your Brain to Become Unhealthy

There are many factors that lead to an unhealthy brain, whether it’s physical damage or aging prematurely. The most common causes are:

● Lack of quality sleep

● Poor diet

● Not enough exercise

● Smoking

● High blood pressure

● Not enough socializing

● Not enough sunlight

● Nutrient deficiencies

If you believe that your brain is “unhealthy,” you can get a variety of tests, like CT scans, electromyography, a balance test, or an MRI. You also want to keep track of your memory, focus, and overall clarity. Always speak to your physician if you notice something seems off.

How to Support Your Brain Health
If you want to naturally keep your brain functioning at its highest capacity, there are many lifestyle changes you can make to make a major impact. Here are some!

Get good sleep
Most adults should be getting around seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. Good quality sleep every night can help you function throughout the day, giving you a bit of a refresh each morning.

Healthy diet
Eating nutrient-rich foods can provide your brain with the nutrients and minerals it needs for optimal functioning. Consider organic foods and healthy foods to keep you feeling sharp and energized. Maintaining a healthy weight can also improve brain function.

More movement
You don’t necesarily have to start exercising hardcore to become healthier. A half hour of physical activity most days can keep you feeling a lot healthier mentally and physically.

Minimize stress
Being stressed is never good for your mental health. Try meditation if you are always feeling scattered and overwhelmed by thoughts. This can also lower your blood pressure. Try socializing more and spending more time in well-lit areas.

Provide your brain with minerals and vitamins
It never hurts to add some vitamin supplements to your diet. Here are some of the vitamins to consider:

Vitamin A – Crucial to brain function, behavior, and learning

Vitamin C – A powerful antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress

Calcium – Essential for blood flow to the brain

Vitamin D – Can help you avoid brain fog and raise your mood

Magnesium – Crucial for brain health, can provide stress relief

Vitamin B1 – Avoid confusion and think clearer

Vitamin B2 – Reduce inflammation and oxidative stress to brain nerves, reducing headaches

Vitamin B3 – Plays a role in making and repairing DNA and acts as an antioxidant

Folate – Improve brain function and decrease the blood levels of proteins that are linked to Alzheimer’s disease

Selenium – Powerful antioxidant

Copper – Essential for brain function

Manganese – Improves brain and nervous system function, protecting your brain against free radicals

Potassium – Plays an important role in the cardiovascular system

Improve Brain Function with Neuro Brain and Focus Formula
It’s not easy to get all of these nutrients all the time. To get a boost of these essential vitamins and nutrients, consider Feel Younger’s Brain Boost formula. The Neuro Brain and Focus formula is made especially with brain function in mind, giving you all of the nutrients you need to feel alert, focused, and improve brain health.

It has:

● Vitamin E

● Iron

● Biotin

● Vitamin B5

● Vitamin B6

● Zinc

● Chromium

● Molybdenum

● DMAE Bitartrate

● L-glutamine

● Green tea extract

● Bacopa extract

● Inositol

● N-Acetyl

● L-Tyrosine

● Olive leaf

● Cinnamon bark extract

● Licorice root extract

● Boron


● Vanadyl

● Phosphatidylserine

● Huperzine A

Take two capsules a day with your morning meal over the course of several months for the best potential results. Given how important your brain is to your overall health, make sure you are incorporating the appropriate vitamins for brain functional that will help to preserve the health of your brain well into old age.

For more information about Best Biotin Supplement and Best 5 Htp Supplement Please visit: Feel Younger Ltd.