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Cosmetic dentistry is a cosmetic dental specialty that aims to improve the appearance of teeth and gums. Cosmetic dentists are experts in cosmetic procedures, such as porcelain veneers, tooth whitening, crowns & bridges, implants, cosmetic fillings, and more. In my opinion, Cosmetic dentistry is cosmetic and restorative dental care that alters the appearance of teeth. Cosmetic dentistry can correct various cosmetic problems, including crooked or overlapping teeth, discolored teeth, gaps between the teeth, stains from age or tobacco use, chipped or broken teeth, and small spaces for orthodontic appliances.

Here are some of the issues explained below that cosmetic dentistry can treat and help you get relief from pain.

  1. Crooked or overlapping teeth: Crooked teeth can be due to any of the reasons like improper tooth position, loss of teeth in childhood, or an injury. This cosmetic dentistry can correct the irregularity of your smile and make it look straightened.
  1. Teeth gaps: Gaps in between teeth can also be a cosmetic dentistry issue. A cosmetic dentist Opelika can eliminate the space by using veneers, porcelain crowns, or bridges. Apart from this, Cosmetic treatment can straighten teeth and improve bite alignment, leading to a more attractive smile.
  1. Discolored or stained teeth: Teeth discolor naturally as people age. Over time the enamel on your teeth will wear away, exposing dentin which is yellow in color due to being mineralized for years. But there is no need to worry about cosmetic dentistry, Opelika. They can whiten your teeth and remove stains, giving you a sparkling white smile again.
  1. Can correct missing teeth: Missing teeth is one of the most common cosmetic dental problems. Some people lose teeth due to gum disease, and some may have had their teeth knocked out during a sporting event. Cosmetic dentistry can help you replace missing teeth with implants, bridges, or partial dentures that look as natural as the other healthy teeth in your mouth.

What benefits can one enjoy by taking cosmetic dentistry services?

One can enjoy endless benefits by taking cosmetic dentistry services. Here are some of the benefits given below:

Can have a brighter and whiter smile: Cosmetic dentistry can make teeth whiter and brighter. You can smile with confidence without worry about what your teeth look like. Moreover, it can correct your teeth to give them their natural look and feel.

Can improve the shape of your smile: Cosmetic dentistry can help you have a beautiful, natural-looking smile with cosmetic bonding and porcelain veneers services that cover up teeth stains or chips. Apart from this, cosmetic dentist, Opelika is able to fix dental issues that have caused pain in the past or current day.

You can enjoy a better bite: Cosmetic dentistry can help you have a better bite by correcting the problem of teeth that don't meet or fit together properly. After cosmetic dentistry, your teeth will meet the right way, and you'll be able to chew better.

You can have straighter teeth: Cosmetic dentist Opelika offers procedures to help you get the smile of your dreams! One such procedure is a “smile makeover,” which includes cosmetic bonding, braces, or invisalign® clear aligners that straighten your teeth with no metal parts.

Cosmetic dentistry will improve your self-confidence: You can enjoy a more confident smile with cosmetic work done on the front, back, and sides of each tooth to create an attractive, natural appearance.

Can reduce pain caused by dental conditions: A cosmetic dentist in Opelika, AL, may be able to relieve you of tooth sensitivity or cracked teeth caused by damage.

So, what are you waiting for? Explore the benefits today and book your appointment.


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