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Respite care is a service that is extremely beneficial to family caregivers who are aiding an elderly family member who has dementia. The person receiving care also benefits from relief care, in addition to the primary caregiver, who receives the benefit of having time for them; here are some of the ways in which Phoenix Home Care assists:

Benefits Of In-Home Respite Care

Respite care service can be provided in your loved one's home or outside the facility.

Prevents Transfer Trauma

Seniors with dementia need a familiar environment. Transfer trauma occurs when a person with dementia is removed from their home and placed in the unfamiliar surroundings of a long-term care facility. Transfer trauma aggravates dementia symptoms like wandering and depression. In-home respite care enables people with dementia to enjoy the comfort and security of being in their own space.

Provides The Security Of A Routine

Dementia caregiver guidelines include keeping the care recipient on a regular schedule. Home respite care makes it easier to provide a person with dementia with the consistency they need. Doing the same thing at the same time every day eases the uncertainty that comes with having dementia. A relief caregiver will keep your loved one on the schedule you have set.

Respite Caregivers Understand Your Loved One

If you are a caregiver, you know that caring for a loved one with dementia is about more than helping with everyday tasks. A carer also has to understand how to address dementia behaviors. Professional respite care providers receive training in dealing with hallucinations and outbursts. Relief carers also know the importance of engaging their charges with enjoyable activities.

In-Home Respite Care Is Personalized Care

The attention of the professionals from In-Home Care Phoenix will be entirely concentrated on your loved one. They will take the time to learn about the needs and preferences of your loved one, and they will also provide you with guidance on how to manage aspects of caregiving that you find challenging.

Benefits Of Out-Of-Home Respite Care

Until now, we have focused on the advantages of in-home relief care. If in-home respite care isn't practical, people with dementia can derive good from out-of-home respite care.

Increases The Desire To Socialize

Social interaction benefits people with dementia by stimulating the brain. Conversing with others who are experiencing cognitive decline creates the atmosphere of a support group. Seniors with dementia often become isolated. Forming friendships in an adult group care setting can instill a desire to be more socially active.

Eases The Transition To Long-Term Care

We touched on the subject of transition trauma earlier. The fear of moving to a professional care facility is partly based on misconceptions about such facilities. Out-of-home respite care is an opportunity for your loved one to spend time with different long-distance care , and your loved one can decide which facility they would like to live in as an alternative to staying at home.


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