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Unfortunately, when it comes to video marketing, your job as an internet marketer doesn't stop after your video is posted on YouTube. To increase YouTube views, you need a specific strategy that will help search engines find your spot.

Here are a few suggestions that most people are unaware of:

Add annotations to your video. Annotations are those annoying little boxes that pop up in the video followerfabrik  after you start watching. You must first log into your YouTube account and go to the “Account Manager” section. On this page you will see a list of your videos. On the video you are working with, click the Edit button. At the top of the screen you will see the “Notes” button. You want to click this button. On the next screen, click the Add Annotation button. This gives you a variety of options. choose one At this point you have a field where you can enter your text. Always start with your keyword phrase. After that, you can enter anything you want the viewer to know. You also have the option to select the time within the video at which you want the annotation to start and end. Click the publish button and you're done.

Pasting your keyword in the comments box is just another way you can help search engines choose your keyword set. The more you direct your video to a keyword, the better your ranking will be.

Increase YouTube Views by Changing Captions…

From your account manager panel, select the video you want to customize again. To increase YouTube views, another great strategy is to change subtitle settings. YouTube compiles a written narration of your video and includes the text in the transcript file. To be honest, they're doing a terrible job at it. When you are on your selected video's page, go to the top of the page and click on “Subtitles”. You can either write the transcript on your home computer and upload the file to YouTube, or simply type the text on the YouTube website. You must also enter a “track name”. In any case, make sure your keyword phrase is the first few words you type and that your keywords are also the last few words you type. Again, this will help search engines find your video. Click Done and that's it.

Increase YouTube views by allowing video comments…

In the Account Manager area under the Advanced Settings tab (just below your video) you have the option to allow people to leave a video in your comments section. Make sure the “Allow video replies” box is checked. When you start getting a lot of views, people will want to hold on to your success. One of the strategies to drive views is to put your video in other comment boxes. I suggest you allow others to do the same with your videos. This will potentially get you more views and additional people promoting your site.

Increase YouTube Views Through Consistent Effort And Consistent Posting…

In order to increase YouTube views, you need a strategy for consistently uploading and serving new content. I would suggest that your public videos are no longer than 5 minutes. However, make sure you offer a product that makes the viewer want to see more of your productions. Each video is designed to help you become known as an expert in your field. One final tip, as mentioned above, a great strategy is to comment on popular videos with a video comment. do the same. Explore YouTube and look for similar videos. If you find a popular one, leave a comment with your video.

There is much more to it than what I have presented in this article. If you're interested in hearing more, please leave me a comment in the box below. You can also watch my YouTube video that walks you through this process. Many Thanks!!!

How to get more YouTube views

Whether your video is about a celebrity, your homemade beauty product, or your cat, you want it to be seen by a wider audience. Some videos only go viral because of their generally appealing content. Then there are those that have interesting content but don't get a significant number of views. There are a few reasons why such videos fail to attract viewers. You can understand this better by checking out these tips on how to get more YouTube views.

Keep the video short

A typical short video on YouTube lasts between 30 seconds and two minutes. Surprisingly, it's possible to create a 30-second video that can also be entertaining or informative. Many viewers on YouTube prefer to watch videos that are short and interesting over longer ones.

If you're a beginner, it's best to start making shorter videos. Once you've gotten a decent number of views, you can consider making longer views.

Use a catchy title

The next trick to learning how to get more YouTube views is to have a catchy title for your video. Consider the following tips when deciding on the title

  • In one short phrase or phrase, describe what your video is about
  • Use important keywords in your title to make the video easier to find
  • If it's a tutorial video, start your title with the words “How to” to get more viewers
  • Make sure the title is relevant to the content of your YouTube video. Using irrelevant titles reduces your credibility.

Describe the video

A good description of your video will make viewers decide whether they want to watch the video or not. Also, a good description will allow search engines to find your video easily, since search engine spiders look at the words and phrases used in your description when indexing your video. Use simple language that your target audience or the average viewer can understand. Avoid lengthy descriptions and stick to the point you want the video to convey.

Comments and Ratings

Learn how to get more YouTube views by using your video's comment section. When users post comments under your video, they are providing their feedback, indicating that your video has generated interest. Your goal should be to receive positive comments in the form of appreciation. In some cases, the viewer may ask you how you recorded the video, what video camera you used, or other details. On the other hand, a negative comment shows that you need to improve. If you find a comment offensive or abusive, you can simply disable it.

Your first YouTube video may not become popular overnight. Keep posting videos that are interesting, informative, and relevant to your topic. Remember the basics of creating a good video and use the additional tips above to get more YouTube views.