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This type of cancer refers to the cancer that might occur in men. This might be described as the advancement of aberrant cells in an unrestricted manner that might lead to tumor formation. This might be present in the prostate gland, this gland may be comparable to the size of a walnut.

The prostate may be said to be located beneath the bladder and in front of the rectum. Moreover, seminal vesicles might be identified behind this gland, which may be responsible for generating the fluid for semen. The urethra is the next part that might be labeled is the urethra that might be identified as the tube that works for transporting semen and urine out of the body via the penis.

Types Of Prostate Cancer

According to most of the cases and the popular data that might be recorded may be categorized as adenocarcinoma but there might also exist other types of prostate cancer that may affect a person classified on different basis that may be listed below: –


The commencement of the generation of this kind of prostate cancer might be tracked to the cells that may be located in the gland, which might have the primary responsibility for generating mucus or fluid. This may be said to be among the most prevalent types in comparison to the rest. The progression of it might be slow due to which detecting this type may be relatively strenuous.


The target area of this type of cancer may be neuroendocrine cells. This type may be associated with having the potential to metastasize. Therefore, this might be one of those cancers that may be this cancer is so unusual to appear.


SCC or squamous cell carcinoma may be said to be one of the most infrequent kinds of cancer-related to the prostate. It might also be said to be an invasive type.


SCPC depends a lot upon the area to which it is extended. This type of cancer might also be said to the part of the rare category. This peculiar type might also come in handy with a few complications and, hence may be responsible for making it challenging to detect and treat.


This type of cancer may also generate in the lining that causes up the prostate gland. Urolethial Carcinoma might also be one of the names by which it might be known.

Risk Factors That Might Increase The Potential Of Developing This Type Of Cancer

It might not be necessary that the risk factors might only be the cause of attracting this illness, these might just be said to be a few reasons that may have the potential to push a patient towards the risk of developing it.

A few are mentioned below: –

  1. Modifications in gene
  2. Sexually transmitted infections
  3. Habitual of smoking
  4. Old age
  5. Background of the family  

Symptoms That Might Help In Detecting This Type Of Cancer

The patient needs to be responsible and vigilant enough to notice these symptoms and go for a consultation with a doctor at the right time so that the correct treatment, if necessary, might be started. However, it may not be a requisite that the occurrence of these symptoms means that the person might have acquired this disease. A few of the symptoms that might be prevalent may be classified as follows: –

  1. The urination flow may not be regular
  2. At the time of urination, there might be a feeling of burn or may be painful for the person
  3. The ejaculation might be infused with ache
  4. Having noticed blood in the urine or even semen
  5. Visiting the washroom frequently to empty your bladder, especially at the time of night
  6. Persistent aches in the back, hips, and pelvic area that may not cure

NOTE: There might be other symptoms as well that might be witnessed by the individual, due to which a specialist may be consulted at the right time for suitable treatment depending upon the situation.

Prostate Cancer Treatment

There may be a range of treatments that might be available which might be chosen depending upon the plight of the disease, patient, and more. There may be a lot of other treatments that may exist but, a few of the treatments that might be selected may be as listed below: –

  1. Immunotherapy
  2. Surgery
  3. Chemotherapy

Why Have Prostate Cancer Treatment In India?

It might be a thought in people’s minds that why to have their treatment done in India. But, the below listed might compel you to at least put this option into consideration. There may be many reasons why this option might be favored, out of which a few are as follows: –

  1. The cost of prostate cancer treatment is affordable. It might be inclusive of all the top-notch amenities while keeping the cost-effective approach before everything else. Equipped with one of the best technology and contemporary equipment. The treatment might transform in a good way having less room for error.
  2. The healthcare facilities that might be provided by the Indian hospitals may be amongst the best only. The hospitals that may offer such state-of-the-art facilities are in a broad spectrum that the patients might get access to.

A few of the best hospitals might be as follows: –

  1.           Artemis Hospital, New Delhi
  2.           Apollo Hospital, Chennai

  III.            Max Hospital, New Delhi

  1. Having one of the best medical experts, Indian doctors possess quality education and skills that might make them experienced and specialists in whatever they do. These medical professionals might be at your service at all times.

Some of such medical experts might be mentioned below: –

  1.           Dr. N Raghavan
  2.           Dr. Pandu Dasappa

  III.            Dr. Sriharsha Ajjur

  1. The success rate in this field might also be said to be decent and fair enough as in India the treatments that might be incorporated may be equipped with a lot of contemporary technology and more.

There might be other subsequent factors that might make Prostate cancer treatment in India a lucrative option for patients all across the globe to pick the right option.


In the end, prostate cancer might be summed up in a way that the undisciplined growth of anomalous cells in the prostate gland might be classified as prostate cancer. there may be several types of prostate cancer and associated treatments to deal with it. However, the tension regarding a few aspects of the procedure might also become a hurdle in the way. Here only medical tourism companies like MedHeal Global Care steps in might assist you in taking certain steps like associating you with hospitals and doctors, helping with the medical visa, and more.