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Industrial Batteries: Importance of Regular Maintenance

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Batteries are like humans in the sense that they need a little bit of attention to stay healthy. They may not be as adorable, but regular maintenance can keep your batteries going strong for years and years! In this article, we'll take a look at why it is important to take care of your industrial battery, some safety tips when performing the maintenance, and the signs to replace your batteries.

What are Industrial Batteries

The industrial battery is a type of rechargeable battery that is used in industries and in applications that require long-term use of batteries, such as forklifts or snow plows. Industrial batteries are used in situations where the outlet is unavailable or cannot be used by the equipment. They are also used in situations where the demand is high, one example being an electric forklift where the forklift needs to be running at all times, not allowing it to charge up. They are more expensive than regular car batteries, but they can be used more than a thousand times.

Why Regular Maintenance is Important

We all want to make the most of and save money on any purchases we make. We can also say that we get our money's worth if we can use the item for an extended period, which is true for our industrial batteries.

Industrial battery plays an important role in the operations of any facility. Did you know that proper battery maintenance can increase the lifespan of a battery by as much as 40%? In an example, a forklift battery will typically last five years in a single-shift operation. But with proper care and maintenance, the life of a battery can extend up to ten years. Not only does it add to the life of your batteries, but it also translates to less downtime for your facility. To put it simply, you can save money by performing regular maintenance on any battery you use, from those powering your facility to those powering your tools and machinery, that’s why regular maintenance is important!

Safety Tips 

Take the following precautions when maintaining Industrial Battery.

  • Wear PPE – When working with batteries, it's important to wear the proper personal protective equipment (PPE). This includes a mask and gloves as well! In addition, you should always keep an eye out for any hazardous material that may be present.
  • Know Where Safety Equipment Is Located – Know the location of your eyewash station, fire extinguisher, and battery spill kit. Be aware that you may need all three in one situation so take time to familiarize yourself with them.
  • Understand The Fire Risk – Smoke bombs, firearms, and sparks are not the best things to mix when you have a battery. Batteries give off flammable gas that could cause an explosion or chemical reaction.
  • Prevent Unintentional Shorting – If you have any metal jewelry or a watch with a leather band, remove them before placing the battery onto its surface. The contact can cause unwanted damage and may lead to short circuits that could result in fire safety issues.
  • Regular inspections should be performed – Make sure you have a good battery and charge it often. Check the connections on your device regularly as well to make sure they're secure, fastened properly with no loose wires or disconnected parts. If there's anything wrong—like if an exposed wire becomes damaged by wear-and-tear over time–replace that too!
  • Be Mindful When Disconnecting The Battery From The ChargerMake sure you always turn off your charger before disconnecting the battery from it.
  • Enhance Cooling – Keep your battery compartment open for ventilation and cooling when charging. This will prevent the batteries from overheating, which could lead to damage or destruction of their electrical components.

The Signs 

Of course, we all know that even if we perform proper maintenance on our industrial battery, it will not last forever. When the time comes, we will need to replace it and purchase a new one. What are the signs?

  • Run Times Are Limited – A low battery indicator is an obvious warning sign, and a short runtime after charging indicates your battery may be waning. The moment you see signs of slowing down earlier than usual should prompt the need for replacement so as not to cause unnecessary downtime with this costly problem.
  • Growth of the Plate – The battery is like a stack of dominoes. If one big plate swells, it will push through to other plates and causes an issue with functionality! The positive posts can get pushed up above the top cover as well which signals that this particular cell may be at risk for failing soon.
  • The Smell of Rotten Eggs – If your battery is emitting a distinctive and unpleasant odor, then it could be due to corrosion or cells that have gone bad. Corrosion causes an electrical conductivity on top of the batteries which can burn through their tops when wet with water-induced corrosion; catching this early will save you from having replaced them all together!
  • Battery Temperature Is Extremely High – Your battery is constantly being charged, but as it gets older and sulfates the acid levels change. This will cause a significant increase in temperature when charging or unplugging batteries from their charger because there's no ventilation system for the release of these hot chemicals! If you sense an unusual spike in heat – this could be another indication that something needs to be done soon before things get worse.

The life of a battery is determined by how well it is cared for. Regular maintenance will extend the life and efficiency of your battery, which in turn saves you time and money. This task does not require you to be a rocket scientist; all you really need is some time and the right tools. If you notice any signs that your batteries are nearing the end of their useful life, it is crucial that you replace them before they cause damage or worse.