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It’s 4:30 a.m., and on a farm somewhere, a farmer wants to ignore the alarm clock, but can’t. There’s so much work to be done out in the fields, and it needs to be finished before the incoming storm. Imagine, instead, that with the swipe of an app, that farmer could instruct an autonomous tractor to leave the barn, drive itself to a designated field, carry out the tillage, crop maintenance, or harvesting work that needs doing, and return to the barn when it’s done, regardless of the time of day.

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Agriculture is no stranger to automation. Since the mid-1990s, GPS-guided autosteer technology has enabled farmers to drive their combine harvesters in straight, repeatable rows. Automated feeding machines have ensured time-controlled, precise delivery of food per animal on livestock farms for at least 15 years. It was only a matter of time before farmers would be offered an autonomous tractor—but as we will see, autonomous tractors are just the start of a new era of human-machine collaboration in a sector exploring the potential of new technologies that could facilitate precision farming, improve productivity, address the environmental impact of existing farming techniques, and improve quality of life for farmers.

Applications of autonomous technology in farming.

The main applications for autonomous farm technology are the preparation and plowing of the soil, known as tillage, as well as milking, harvesting, weeding, and pest control.

  • Autonomous plowing
  • Autonomous milking
  • Autonomous spraying and Weeding
  • Harvest Assist
  • Cultivating a new era of farming