1. Digital Marketing

Innovative Insights: Yaman Kumar’s Journey in the Digital Marketing Frontier

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Yaman Kumar expertise extends far beyond conventional digital marketing, encompassing a spectrum of specialised domains. He is a distinguished CPA (Cost Per Action) marketer and an adept media buyer, demonstrating exceptional proficiency in navigating platforms such as Maxbounty, Clickdealer, and Madrivo Affiliate. Yaman’s prowess in these areas is evident through his strategic utilisation of substantial daily budgets, often exceeding thousands of dollars, to scale his affiliate ventures.

Beyond his individual ventures, Yaman is the driving force behind VOB Digital India, a highly reputable Digital Marketing Agency. Under his guidance, VOB Digital India thrives as a hub of innovation, delivering cutting-edge strategies and bespoke solutions to a diverse clientele.

His strategic investments and astute management of substantial daily budgets underscore his mastery in scaling affiliate businesses, marking him as an authority in maximising ROI within the digital advertising landscape.

Yaman Kumar’s multifaceted expertise, ranging from affiliate marketing to spearheading a successful digital agency, positions him as a visionary leader in the dynamic realm of digital marketing.



Email:- Yamankumar706@gmail.com

Website:- https://yamankumar.com/



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