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Did you know that according to 49% of customers, website design is the leading factor in determining the business's credibility?

The website is the identity of the business. It is vital to keep it up to date to drive more business sales. If you have an outdated website or runs slow, you need a total rebranding, and everything on the site needs to be changed. Redesigning will revamp the look and feel of your site. All this is possible when you have a reputed website design services provider company by your side. The real question is how often should website design be taken, which will be answered in subsequent paragraphs.

How Often Should You Get the Website Redesigned?

A website redesign should be performed after every 2 to 5 years. It also depends on the way your site looks according to the industry and technology. Website maintenance services can help you determine whether your website needs a complete refresh or overhaul.

Perks of Getting the Website Redesigned

No matter what is your business expense, evaluate the need for website redesign based on the returns it will reap in the years to come and decide whether it's worth investing in or not. 


Follow These Website Redesigning Perks To Enhance The Conversions:

First Impression Matters:

It just takes 0.05 seconds for the users to form an opinion about your website. This helps you determine whether they will stay on your site or not. Use those first few seconds and form an ever-lasting impression on the users with website redesigning.


An Outdated Systems Gives Rise to Technical Problems:

Whether you are using custom CMS or open-source CMS, an outdated website can negatively impact visitors. The word ‘Revamp' doesn't mean that the front end as one has to delve deeper and update the CMS is a crucial aspect of the design.

Surged Search Engine Rankings

A great design or interactive website attracts lots of visitors, specifically your competitors. By long staying of the visitors on the particular webpage reduces the bounce rate percentage that basically declares the importance of the webpage to the algorithm of the search engine which automatically enhances the chance of the rank up that particular webpage on SERPs.

Better Mobile Presence

Did you know that 54.8% of traffic was generated by mobile websites, 50% at the beginning of 2017?


With the increase in mobile users, the website redesign company in New York should build a site that fits all screen sizes. It offers several benefits to your brand and gives a unified look and feel across all devices instead of building separate sites. It consolidates your analytics, and managing the site is not a hassle in case of ongoing optimizations.

Provides Better Website Speed:

Did you know that 53% of mobile users leave a site that doesn't load within 3 seconds?


Nothing annoys the user more than a website that takes time to load.No matter how good your design looks; users will turn away from your site without seeing what's in store for them. Slow-loading websites take place because of user and website issues. You can do nothing about the traffic on your site but enrich the web experience with improved website speed. Alternatively, you can get your images optimized or work on the content to make it perform better.

How Much Does Website Redesign Cost?

Many people believe that the cost of the site is affected by the number of pages. The cost of a website redesign is calculated based on several factors, including the size and functionality of the site. If the web design company New York is offering exclusive features like resources, experience and deadlines affects the price of the website. Also, you can divide the website redesign budget based on the following way:

  • 15% planning

  • 25% interface design.

  • 40% programming

  • 20% to project management.

You can ask which redesigning aspect requires the most attention and time & ask the professionals to integrate it into the site.

Trends to Implement During Website Redesigning

Redesigning trends keep on changing every now and then. It is important to stay up to date with them so that your business leaves a positive and long-lasting impact. Website design services have shared the list of extremely popular website redesigning trends:  


Know the personal preferences of the visitors and add a personalized experience to your website. You can integrate personalization with user testing, which states the type of visitors that will interact with your website once it is live. As the sitemap is tailored and the building process starts, you can see content-specific pages and dynamic content on the pages of the website.

Voice User Interface

The average result returned against a voice search query loads 52% faster than the average page. Voice search gives more optimized content results. This is why it has become an integral part of various websites. Make a voice-based website so that users are able to find you.

Machine Learning and Chatbots

One of the biggest perks of using Chatbots is that it takes feedback from the users and gives them a more personalized experience. Website maintenance services can incorporate these systems in your website design as it gives instant responses, saves time and gives better user experience while filtering appropriate content.

Geometry and Illustration

You would notice more animated icons and geometry-based elements on the sites. These aspects give a lively look and make content more responsive. Other capturing graphics will be organic shapes and animated GIFs.

In Conclusion, a web design company New York will enhance the functionality and look of your website. Not only the aesthetics but the technical aspects and the page speed would get better. Also, don't forget to incorporate the latest web designing trends and give users the kind of experience they are looking for.