1. Pets

Interesting English Springer Spaniel Facts

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10 fun and interesting dog facts about the Springer SpanielEnglish Springers may display the habit called submissive urination, meaning your dog pees when he's anxious or excited when you're finally home. You can avoid this problem, though. Upon arriving at the house, be sure to avoid paying attention to or looking at your dog there and then. You can do this after some minutes of your arrival so that your dog will unlikely grow up too excited or anxious at seeing you.

Keep your dog leashed whenever he is in an unfenced area. This breed has a natural heart for hunting, which can make him wander off and pursue a bird. If you want your pup to grow up healthy, avoid buying from pet shops, puppy mills, and irresponsible breeders. Instead, have reputable breeders to transact with. Aside from testing their breeding dogs for genetic disorders, they also ensure that their puppies will have a sound temperament.

If you have concerns about your pet's health and/or behavior, make an appointment with your animal medical clinic Middletown, DE.



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