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Interesting facts about Françoise Girard that you don’t know!

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Feminism is defined as a set of political, intellectual, and social movements that seek to designate and achieve gender equality on all levels of human existence. Feminism's primary traits and demands as a social change are Equal compensation for equal work, Rights to reproduction, Suffrage for women, Education right, Gender norms and performative behavior, Defending against sexual misconduct, and Racial discrimination FrançoiseGirard etc. Throughout history, the goal of feminism has been to ensure that women have equal access to opportunities and outcomes as men.

Feminism, on the other hand, may be perceived through a multitude of lenses, and there are four main waves of feminism in the Western hemisphere as of the twenty-first century, each of which corresponds to the period in which the reasons battled for were most important. In this editorial, you are going to learn about feminism from the lenses of Françoise Girard.

Francoise Girard iwhc is a social activists and the CEO of Feminist communication group Feminism Makes us Better. She has been up against gender discrimination from a long time. Here are few interesting facts about Francoise Girard.

She respects every individual

Most people have a misconception that feminist have only respect towards female gender. However, it is not so! Francoise Girard as a Feminist, value individual, takes well-informed decisions and think that no one should be judged unfairly. Everybody has the freedom to sexual autonomy, which includes the capacity to choose when, how, and with whom to engage in sexual activity. 

She works towards equality not superiority!

Feminism's purpose is to confront the systematic inequities that women encounter daily. Contrary to common assumption, feminist have nothing to do with dismissing males; in fact, feminism opposes all forms of sexism. Feminism strives for equality rather than feminine dominance. Francoise fights for all the genders and bring them to the same line. She doesn’t believe in any kind of superiority.

Francoise is a socialist as well

Francoise believes in Marxist feminism. Marxist feminism's theory is comparable to radical feminism's in that it examines and opposes patriarchy's natures. Marxist feminism, on the other hand, is founded only on Marxist theory and bases its aspirations on the early nineteenth-century conceptions of capitalist and private property. Marxist feminists adapted concepts from Marx's writings to the status of women throughout movements in the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries. Francoise thinks that dismantling the capitalist system that permits women's labor to go unpaid is the great way to accomplish women's freedom.

Francoise fights for Liberalism of women

Liberal feminism developed from the first wave of women's liberation movements. Believing in that Francoise emphasizes women's rights under the law and gender equality. It dates her back to the nineteenth century, but it has influenced her practically with every aspect of feminist thinking. The following are the causes that Françoise actively worked for:

  • Education is available to everybody.
  • Rights to reproduction
  • The democratic right to vote
  • The right to property ownership

In recent days, there were buzz about Françoise Girard resignation, However, it is not legit, and she will still fight for gender equality.


Wrapping up, these are some of the most interesting qualities of Françoise Girard. Now that you know her qualities, you should also adopt the same in you. You can also follow her on social media to know more about her.




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