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Surfing the web has become part of your life, whether you acknowledge it or not. The Internet made it possible for millions of people from all around the globe to communicate without feeling the distance between them. Socialising with your loved ones through the means of social media apps and finding inspiration just a click away are undeniable benefits of the Internet, but what happens when it’s used excessively? It causes addiction.

Also known as problematic internet use, internet addiction is more common than you think. Your day-to-day online behaviours, such as constantly verifying your social media accounts and checking your email inbox, can become a severe health issue. Internet addiction can stem from different online activities, which makes its triggers hardly recognisable. But one thing is for sure: once you become addicted, you start to prioritise your online life above the real, palpable one.

Internet addiction is even compared to the drug one since it affects you the same way drugs do: decreased performance at school or work, spoiled personal relationships, a change in priorities, and self-neglect are only a few effects of the excessive use of the Internet. If you find yourself suffering from this disorder, you should take action, and the first step of doing that is to get informed about this health issue.

Here are valuable insights into internet addiction that we hope you’ll find helpful:

Signs of Internet Addiction

Internet addiction comes with both emotional and physical symptoms, and you should by no means ignore them. They’re the key to diagnosing your health problem and determining the type of addiction you suffer from.

Psychological Symptoms

  • anxiety and depression
  • the lost notion of time
  • fear
  • guilt
  • procrastination
  • hypersensitivity
  • isolation
  • change of mood
  • lying
  • refusal to do any other activity
  • feeling an unusual pleasure when using the Internet

Physical Symptoms

  • headaches
  • neck and back pain (from the uncomfortable position in front of the computer)
  • poor diet, which, in turn, leads to weight loss
  • overeating, which leads to weight gain
  • dry eyes
  • insomnia (being constantly exposed to blue light minimises the chances of getting restful sleep and keeps you up at night)
  • you forget to take care of yourself and neglect personal hygiene
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (your median nerve is affected)

How to Overcome Internet Addiction

Now that you’ve learned how to recognise Internet addiction, here’s what you can do to combat it:

Admit It

The first step to treat any medical issue is to accept that you have it. Denial and negligence do nothing but worsen the addiction, and you don’t want this to happen. Start by simply verbalising that you have no control over Internet use. You can talk with your loved ones if you’re afraid to make your medical issue known to other people. Be sure that things are no longer that unapproachable once the situation becomes clearer. And don’t forget – above all, you’re honest with yourself.

Turn off Notifications

Once you realise the harm this addiction can bring to you, you can measure and limit Internet use. Are you wondering how you could do that? Well, turning off the notifications would be a good start. We know how tempted you could be to constantly check your social media accounts for likes and comments (and it’s perfectly normal to improve your online presence, up to a point), but when this habit turns into an obsession, it’s time to make a change in your behaviour. Consider creating a schedule and check for notifications only at a particular hour in the day. It’s a challenging task for someone who finds the Internet indispensable, but you’ll thank yourself later. See this change as an opportunity to spend more with yourself and your loved ones, doing the things you love. The hours spent in front of a computer or smartphone do nothing but isolate yourself from the real world. It’s no wonder that your relationships are affected – you’re no longer attentive to the people around you. Plus, this action will keep you self-controlled, which is perfect since the excessive use of the Internet does the opposite.

Prioritise your Needs

The time spent away from the computer may seem like a burden since everything revolved around the Internet until then. But there’s so much to do, and it has nothing to do with surfing the web. If you’re a student, now more than ever, you can turn your attention to the assigned tasks and invest in yourself. It’s of the utmost importance to get a proper education while you’re still young because this thirst for knowledge diminishes with age. If you’re running a business, start to focus on your programme and do your best to push your company forward.

Apart from these healthy distractions, you can take your time to find new hobbies. It can be anything – reading, cooking, sports, photography, travel, etc. It’s never too late to engage in activities other than the ordinary ones.

Consider Counselling

If dealing with your addiction becomes overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. As you’ve already seen, the symptoms of Internet addiction are nothing to mess around with. Depression, anxiety, and mood swings are hard to deal with, so you would better see a therapist because they’re professionals who identify the real cause of your addiction and prescribe treatment accordingly. Even if Internet addiction is not found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5), it doesn’t mean it cannot be life-threatening. In the case of long-term Internet addiction, only a therapist can find proper treatment, depending on the severity of your medical issue and symptoms associated with it. Psychotherapy tends to be underestimated, but it’s the solution to many psychological problems that traditional treatment methods sometimes fail to handle.

Many support groups would also be more than happy to accept you. Did you know that group therapy is one of the most beneficial methods of treating addiction (of any kind)? Besides, you may find yourself relieved knowing that many people are facing the same problems as you out there. You also have the certainty that you’ll be heard and not judged, whatever your issue, because you can receive support in therapy groups.

Here are our recommendations regarding Internet addiction. If you’re dealing with this medical issue, we hope to diagnose it as soon as possible and recognise the importance of getting professional help.



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