1. Spirituality

Intuitive Astrology for Heart and Soul

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Intuitive Astrology is a type of astrology that is based on intuition and gut feelings. This type of astrology does not rely on traditional methods like using the position of the planets and stars to make predictions. Instead, Intuitive Astrology focuses on understanding a person's unique energy and how it affects their life. Intuitive Astrology is also known as psychic astrology because it helps people look at the future and achieve their goals.

What is Astrology?

Astrology is the study of how the position of planets and stars affects human life. The word “astrology” comes from two Greek words: Astron, which means star, and logos, which means to study. In early times, astrologers believed that the positions of the Sun, Moon, and planets have a direct cause-and-effect relationship to events on Earth.

Why is Astrology hard work?

Astrology requires a good deal of learning before you can begin interpreting charts. It would be best to start by studying the zodiac, planets, houses, and aspects and buying an astrology program that will allow you to calculate charts for yourself. Once you have a basic understanding of how astrology works, you can begin to look at individual charts and see the unique patterns in each one.

What is Intuition?

Intuition is inner knowing that comes from the heart and soul. Intuitive people can access this knowledge through their intuition, which allows them to see beyond the physical world and into a realm of wisdom, love, and light. Intuitive astrology is an astrological interpretation that relies on intuition to look at birth charts.

What is Intuitive Astrology?

Intuitive Astrology is a form of astrology that does not rely on traditional methods like using the position of the planets and stars to make predictions. Instead, Intuitive Astrology focuses on understanding a person's unique energy and how it affects their life. While there is no definitive way to do Intuitive Astrology, it often involves working with intuition to understand the chart better. Intuitive Astrology looks at the letters that make up the name or number and how they interact with one another. 

How Intuitive Astrology can help you?

Intuitive astrology can help you in many ways. First, it can help you understand yourself better. By learning your unique energy, you'll learn what makes you who you are and how to use that energy for your benefit. You can also use intuitive astrology to understand the people around you better. The more you work with other people's energies, the easier it will be to read them.

Why should you do Intuitive Astrology?

Intuitive astrology is a good choice for anyone who wants to expand their knowledge of zodiac signs. Because this form of astrology uses intuition, it offers you the chance to look at your personality traits and how they affect your life. Once you learn these traits, you can better understand your friends, family members, and romantic partners.

How to learn Intuitive Astrology?

If you're interested in learning Intuitive Astrology, there are a few things you can do to get started:

  1. Study the basics of astrology to have a foundation on which to build.
  2. Learn how to read charts and interpret the information they contain.
  3. Practice reading charts and interpreting them with other people.


In conclusion, Intuitive Astrology is a powerful tool for understanding ourselves and our relationships with others. By learning about our astrological signs and the energies they represent, we can better understand our motivations and tendencies, as well as the dynamics of our interactions with others. Intuitive Astrology can help us create healthier, more fulfilling relationships by providing insight into why we think and act the way we do.