1. Health

Invista 50 mg Tablet

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Invista 50 mg Tablet is a prescription drug used to treat high blood pressure, chest pain, and other cardiac disorders. It is a common form of antihypertensive medication that works by preventing the absorption of sodium and thus reducing the amount of water in the body. This helps reduce the risk of stroke, heart failure and kidney disease.

Instructions for Use

Invista 50 mg Tablet must be taken orally with water or food as prescribed by your doctor. Depending on patient’s condition and response, dosage may be increased or decreased as recommended by your doctor. Do not take this drug if you are allergic to it or any other similar medications.


Before taking Invista 50 mg Tablet make sure to inform your doctor about any other ongoing health conditions such as liver or kidney problems, pregnancy, allergies etc., so that they can adjust the dosage accordingly without causing any unexpected side effects. Do not stop taking the tablets suddenly without prior advice from your doctor as this could lead to side effects like dizziness and headaches. Also avoid alcohol while being treated with Invista 50 mg Tablet as it has been reported to increase some of its side effects.

Side Effects

In some cases, users may experience severe side effects such as swelling in arms and legs, increased heart rate, chest pain or irregular heartbeat after taking this medication. If you have these symptoms call a doctor immediately for proper management. Other common side effects include dizziness, headache and fatigue which tend to subside over time with regular use of Invista 50 mg Tablets .


You need to let your doctor know all medications (prescribed/over-thecounter), herbal supplements or recreational drugs you are currently taking before starting Invista 50 mg Tablet therapy in order to prevent any kind of interactions leading to severe adverse reactions. Common drugs known to interact with Invista 50mg Tablets include diuretics (water pills) lithium carbonate etc., NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and anticoagulants (blood thinners).



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