1. Science / Technology

IoT Solutions for Public Administration

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Digital transformation is based on a cultural change. That is, changing the way we do things from the way we were used to before immersing ourselves in the Digital Ecosystem and new IoT technologies.

To do this, we must use change-enabling software development services that act transversally in all verticals of digital transformation. Such as Industry 4.0, Smart Cities, Smart Buildings and Entrepreneurship .

Today, we live in what we call a VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) space. This is a scenario in which companies are forced to adapt to the continuous changes that attack their strategic programming and professional routines. For this reason, the people who are immersed in this VUCA space must be the bearers of change. It is necessary to provide them with the necessary technology with which to add value to society.

This maxim must be extrapolated to Public Administration: an entity where the core of the business is people and where the best way to democratize technology in its structure is through the IoT.

What is IoT?

The IoT (Internet of Things) is a global infrastructure within the framework of the information society that provides services through the connection of physical elements. It works through sensors that are integrated with solutions.

ICT (Information Technologies) and, within them, the IoT, must be integrated into the Public Administration to reduce the digital divide and serve citizens optimally. In fact, the Huawei company estimates that: “In 2025 there will be 10 times more connected things than today, about 75 billion devices.”

Taking these figures into account, we can assure that devices are the channel to connect with citizens. To these we must add the increase in people who will be connected, which generates new opportunities to establish more agile and effective communication.

Public Administration procedures can be carried out much more quickly, that is, an improvement in results with fewer resources, especially in a very important one that cannot be recovered: time.

Advantages of IoT Network Infrastructure in the Public Sector

To transform Public Administration into a digital and intelligent one, it is necessary to profoundly alter the structure of public organizations. The implementation of an IoT Network infrastructure in a public service will allow us to make data storage technology more effective. Therefore, it will allow us mobility, automation and exhaustive analysis of all that information. However, there are several pros that its implementation would mean for a public organization:

  • Improved service to the population : hyperconnectivity improves connections between citizens and public organizations in order to provide high-quality, safe and effective services. In addition to providing resources that improve collaboration and trust between the Administrations and the population. Thus increasing habitability, operability and sustainability. One of these resources to improve the customer experience is a Helpdesk that manages citizen incidents.
  • Increased citizen security: better knowledge of the operations of city systems through information obtained through sensors. With this we can exhaustively monitor deficiencies in train speeds, road temperatures and the real-time location of city buses.
  • Optimization of public resources in a sustainable way: the use of real-time data in order to adjust resources based on demand, allows a reduction in congestion and energy use. All this is possible thanks to the custom software development services that integrate the Smartcity or Intelligent City. They manage to speed up the ability to react to adverse traffic conditions, variations in electricity consumption or changes in air quality.
  • Reduction in costs to citizens: the dynamic supervision of public infrastructure and the development of processes that advocate for efficiency allow the reduction of operating costs and an improvement in system performance.

IoT Applications in Administration

IoT solutions in the public sector advocate for the democratization of the use of their technologies in a more agile, decisive, intelligent and secure way. Its application in the areas of Administration control provides great benefits to the services provided to society. Below are examples where the citizen experience improves with the application of this technology:

  • Public transportation: through these integrations of IoT systems based on sensors, digital cameras and connected vehicles, safety, comfort, waiting and travel times will be improved. Reducing costs and polluting emissions, but increasing the supply capacity of public mobility services that the State makes available to the population.
  • Citizen security: through intelligent and customized software applied to video surveillance, suspicious behavior, lost objects, abandoned luggage can be detected to immediately resolve any emergency situation that may arise.
  • Mobility and traffic: reducing the volume of traffic jams and avoiding accidents would be possible through real-time alerts on traffic status and travel times.
  • Consumption and energy: control electricity consumption through intelligent systems that are more powerful, sustainable and efficient at a municipal scale.

Blockchain as an element of cybersecurity

Digital density is a double-edged sword, it provides value but is also a threat. The public body manages enormous flows of population data on a daily basis. So that these operations with confidential data can be carried out safely, it is necessary to protect the IT systems of the Public Administration.

Blockchain technology in the public entity allows the creation of computer networks without the need to have a single server, which drastically reduces the probability that said matrix will suffer cyber attacks.

All computers connected to this network have a single information base. Therefore, reading and writing data records for a specific task in the minimum time is possible with Blockchain. It is a data block chain that has revolutionized the way of managing and processing digital logistics services.

This explosion has led to more secure personal information transactions between public organizations and citizens. Thanks to the fact that we have the possibility of having encrypted data, it is very difficult for the administration to become a victim of a hack. Confidentiality is assured on a secure network.

Cybersecurity has also had a positive impact, making it possible to fully verify personal data in real time. This facilitates the establishment of longer employee life cycles because exhaustive control of their performance and satisfaction analysis of the users served is carried out.

This technology also allows the formalization of smart contracts, which allow employees to track their payments on site. In this way, we can outsource your payroll systems using software, so you can manage your resources more efficiently and without risks. Therefore, the public sector will be able to focus all its efforts on improving the citizen's experience and providing better services.

In summary, with the incorporation of an IoT network infrastructure we manage to establish a digital, intelligent, secure, efficient and sustainable Public Administration.