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‘Shall I start guest posting for link building?’

‘Does it still work?‘ 

Being a team of experts, we heard this question from different people who have a new website or a website with low domain authority.

Guest posting is worth starting with! The benefits of guest posting are inimitable and you can reap those benefits for a longer period.

Guest posting helps you to acquire quality backlinks which in turn help you to establish your authority domain to a wide range of audiences and your niche. It also helps you to get connected with the thought leaders within your industry.

Without further ado, let’s understand this in a step-by-step manner. 

What Is Guest Posting? 

Guest posting when you write for fellow websites and get quality inbound links as a token of reward. Guest posting not only helps you attract traffic to your website but also portrays you as a thought leader in that specific industry. 

Once you have a robust profile in writing blogs and a steady flow of traffic on your website, you can start pitching your fellow websites or vice versa. 

What Are Backlinks? 

Backlinks are the inbound links that you get as a reward for writing for fellow websites. ‘Do follow’ backlinks are relevant from the standpoint of SEO as it passes website authority. Whereas ‘no follow’ backlinks don't pass authority directly.

As a leading blogger outreach service provider, we can assure you that acquiring guest-posted backlinks is worth the effort. 

Relevance Of Guest Posting For Link Building

Link build for guest posting is still relevant and it can fetch your tremendous results. So without further ado, let’s explore: 

1. Streamlines Brand Awareness

Guest posting can give you an undeniable edge over your competitors and help you to establish yourself as a brand. If you contribute content to relevant websites, you’ll be able to drive them to your website and people will start considering you as a thought leader in the industry. 

You can grab the attention of your niche audience or a new set of audiences by simply writing articles for premium websites. Some of the benefits of guest posting are as follows:

  • People will discover you and get to know about your business. 
  • The SEO metric of your website will improve and more people will discover you.

Perform extensive research and frame a clear idea about the websites you want to associate with. Finalise the keywords, approach the websites and convey your thoughts. Write a value-packed article for them and you’re good to go!

One of the important strategies of digital marketing is you have to always raise your brand’s voice; otherwise, it is difficult for you to build your brand. 

2. Attracts Organic Traffic Flow

This is the beauty of guest posting:

No other marketing strategies can fetch the number relevant traffic to your website as guest posting can offer.

A high-quality article placed on a prominent website can help you to acquire backlinks as guest posting is nothing but accumulating good-quality backlinks!

But have you ever wondered why backlinks are called inbound links? Because backlinks help to bring traffic to your website. High-quality backlinks have the potential to: 

  • Drive more traffic.
  • Acquire referral traffic. 
  • Maintains a steady flow of traffic.

This traffic will eventually trust you and the propensity to take action on your website will increase with time. 

3. Important Ranking Factor

Do you know that your website’s link profile is a pivotal factor for ranking?

If you try to understand from the SEO perspective, your backlink profile is very important for rankings. 

Backlinks from high-authority websites carry a signal to Google that your content is value-rich and has the potential to link to. Google considers backlinks as a sign of recommendation provided they are coming from websites with quality metrics.

There was a time when backlinks were a volume game. As the SEO game has evolved, now you have to focus more on quality rather than quantity. 

4. Authority Building 

Guest posting offers you the opportunity to showcase your credibility and competence within your industry. If you are successful in producing value-rich content that can address the user’s queries, they will eventually start trusting you. This is how you can establish your authority.

As per Google, collaboration with successful websites acts as an indication of recommendation and Google will push your website in search rankings. This is how you can build your domain authority. 

Guest posting, when done correctly, can help you to get recognized by brands as well. Given the benefits, we assume, now you’re quite clear about why guest posting is one of the best mechanisms to build authority. Read Also: BlogManagement, Viacon, SeoGrowthEngine, RedHatMedia

5. Builds Backlink Profile

As of now, you’ve developed a clear idea that through guest posting contributors acquire inbound links redirected to their own website. But that doesn’t imply that you write for every website you stumble upon without having proper research and a plan in hand.

Backlinks are an essential part of your SEO effort. So make sure you’re not collecting spammy links from websites that lack authority. Through indexing, Google will always inspect whether your backlinks are relevant or not. So your backlinks should bring value and relevance to your readers.

For example, if you have a website that talks about food, you’re not supposed to get a backlink from a technology-rich website.

So there is ample room for building backlinks through guest blogging given you’ve done it properly. 

6. Brings New Business Opportunity

Not many people know this but guest blogging can open avenues for new business opportunities. Given the exposure it brings to you, you can easily turn your readers into your customers.

For instance, you can attract many businesses once you build your authority as a writer and they might be interested in working with you in the future. 

You can also convert the new audience to your email subscribers and cross-sell your product through well-curated email campaigns.  

7. Expands Your Personal Network

Network is’ net worth!

Collaborating with good websites gives you exposure in front of a new audience. Collaborating with prominent websites aids you to become a credible source of information within the industry.

Moreover, you can also work as a co-author with your fellow competitors. If you want to gain attention and become the thought leader of your niche, you have to:

  • Remain active in reaching out to people.
  • Write information-rich quality articles. 
  • Be consistent with the process.

Backed by quality content and driven by process-oriented networking can sail you through the game of building networks through link building. 

How To Start With Guest Posting?

Research prominent websites in your niche, prepare your pitch and send follow up emails. While you are writing for a website and try to understand what your target audience wants to read. Draft your content in such a way that can meet the expectation of your audience.

From our experience, we can assure you that guest posting has tremendous potential provided you have done it the correct way.

Do you agree? Do you think guest posting is worthy of embarking upon?


Are you still in a dilemma?

Comment below and ask anything you’re not sure about. We will be more than happy to address any of your questions

Or, for more information please visit us at Blogger Outreach or feel free to Contact Us!

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