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Recently, the world has been adopting electric vehicles faster than ever. It is because they offer sustainability, but with the increase in demand for these vehicles, the need to establish reliable and accessible EV charging stations becomes crucial.

Several places have the potential to feature an EV fast charging station, but one that has remained debatable for a long is petrol pumps. This blog highlights the reasons in favor and against installing EV charging stations at the pump. So, dive in to explore the discussion.

Discussion in Favor of Installing EV Charging Stations on the Petrol Pumps

Many believe that hybrid fuel stations hosting EV charging and conventional fuels will boost the confidence of people looking forward to purchasing electric vehicles in India. It is possible to upgrade the already present fuel stations and design new ones to cater to the different needs of conventional and electric cars.

Having electric charging points and conventional fuel points can allow pumps to increase their revenue. However, hybrid pumps require huge investments as compared to traditional ones. Moreover, station owners should be prepared for limited return on investment for the initial years as electric vehicles in India is slowly gaining the much-needed hype. But the best part is businesses can look out for subsidies that government offers for such companies and establish themselves for the long run.

Fuel stations are strategically located while keeping the driver’s convenience in mind. Electric vehicle charging station installation at such locations will help in developing a charging network that enables EV drivers to charge their vehicles on the go.

The only difference while catering to customers from these two segments is that those charging their electric vehicles will hang out on or nearby the station for a bit longer. However, this only opens up a new stream of revenue for the owners as they can introduce departmental stores, cafes, or restaurants where owners can shop and relax while the car is charging.

Discussion Against Installing EV Charging Stations on the Petrol Pumps

According to India Smart Grid Forum’s study, fuel stations are not ideal for installing EV charging stations. The primary reason is that eclectic vehicles made today take anywhere between 30 minutes to 3 hours to charge, which can lead to vehicle jams at the station.

Moreover, petrol stations may not have ample space to manage EVs and normal customers and might require a renovation, which in most cases is not possible due to the lack of land. In addition, the electric chargers may accompany a risk as the fuel available at the petrol pumps is highly flammable. Thus, there are high chances of wiring faults, sparks, and more that can cause havoc. This idea is quite similar to not picking up calls at the fuel station.

Wrapping Up

Overall, installing EV chargers at petrol pumps is possible but only with careful planning, government support, knowledge concerning steps to install EV charging stations, and stakeholder collaboration. It will encourage potential customers to buy electric vehicles, ultimately driving the world towards a sustainable and cleaner transportation future.

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