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Gartner, the top consulting firms, has been actively pushing “Low-code” recently, praising it as the future. As the demand for this emerging technology increases, businesses and developers still have many questions. Is Low-code really the future? Will it replace professional developers? What does it mean for business? What should we prepare for?  

Why Do People Talk So Much About Low-code? 

Low-code provides tools and features for professional developers and business users to quickly build apps, from simple to complex. Thanks to this development technology, you don’t need to hand code, you simply drag and drop pre-built elements into place.    

Low-code technology offers many benefits:    

  • Low-code is proven to reduce development time by 50% to 90%.  
  • When the demand for commercial software and skilled developers exceeds the supply, unprofessional users and designers can utilize low-code tools. 
  • Optimized development cost.  
  • Encourage collaboration between technical and business in development.  
  • Build custom automation and internal tools.  
  • You can build everything, from process automation, web/mobile application, cloud development to on-premises system. 

Low-code development is increasingly being recognized as a highly effective tool in software creation. According to Gartner, it's estimated that by the end of 2024, 75% of worldwide software solutions will be constructed using low-code platforms.  

This significant shift has led to discussions about low-code being a pivotal force in the digital transformation landscape and even sparking debates about its potential to redefine the roles of professional developers. 

But Is Low-code Development Really The Future? 

It’s true that low code contributes greatly to companies’ performance, as proven by many statistics.  

TechRepublic reported that 60% of internal and business applications are now developed outside traditional IT departments. When using low-code, businesses also observed positive results in resources allocation, ROI and performance. But most importantly, during times of digital transformation, your innovation score can be 33% higher on average with low-code. And this number benefits a lot.  

At the same time, non-experienced technicians can now learn and practice low-code well in one month, enriching their portfolio in software projects. Meanwhile, 33% of organizations plan to utilize low-code to achieve better digital customer experiences.       

The future of low-code is surely bright, but it can replace traditional programming. Why? 

  • Low-code is best for small and simple projects. Its simplicity can be a double-edged sword. When you want to scale your application and add more advanced features, low-code can be a limited choice. For large and complicated projects, customization is still better.    
  • Some worry about low-code security or vendor lock-in. Since you rely on a third-party, data breaches or cyber-attacks can be a huge concern. Meanwhile, some users wonder if their application will be erased once they leave the low-code platforms.  
  • Low-code is not that easy to use. Training is still required for someone to be skillful or at least comfortable with the systems.  

These limitations have proven why traditional development still outweigh low-code in the long run. While one gives a low entry barrier for users, the others give them full control on what to do with their application.  

What Does This Mean For Developers? 

Developers won’t lose their job due to low-code, as experienced technicians are still in high demand.  

Yet, low-code provides a new opportunity for developers. Remember that it is open for customization, and developers will take responsibility for adjusting or creating new code. They can address the intricacies of low-code and guarantee that the foundational code structure is robust and fully optimized. 

On the other hand,  you can use the tool to increase your work performance. So instead of hating the technology, utilize it for your use cases. You may want to add Low-code Development into your skillset to prepare for future demands.  

What Does This Mean For Non-Coding?  

Have you ever struggled to convey your ideas to developers or found it challenging to communicate your needs to the IT department? Or perhaps felt frustrated at not being able to contribute your insights to product development? Low-code platforms offer a solution, enabling those without coding expertise to: 

  • Create prototypes to visualize and share your concepts 
  • Develop simple applications to facilitate aspects of your work, which can be used by you or your colleagues 
  • Draft basic wireframes or sketches to conceptualize user interfaces 
  • These platforms also enhance collaboration with IT teams by supporting multiple users, incorporating feedback mechanisms, and allowing for real-time updates. 

Low-code is exceptionally accessible for non-technical users or beginners in coding. With just a few training sessions, you can begin by designing a basic website and later progress to developing mobile applications. Additionally, some low-code platforms incorporate Artificial Intelligence to further assist non-technical users in app development. 

Is Low-code Suitable For My Business? 

Low-code technology holds great promise for the future of software development, offering significant advantages in many scenarios. However, it's important to recognize that it might not always be the ideal solution for every business, particularly when the need for highly specialized or extensive functionality surpasses what low-code platforms typically offer. 

Here’s How Low-code Can Help If You Are A Startup  

  • Build an MVP, POC or prototype 
  • Launch your product faster.  

If You Are A Business Or Enterprise  

  • Build internal tools & management systems 
  • Bring automation into your operation.    
  • A Centralized database across the organizations   
  • Helping with digital transformation   

Low-code's versatility extends across various industries, including healthcare, financial services, insurance, technology companies, aviation, and more, demonstrating its wide applicability and potential to drive innovation and efficiency in diverse business contexts. 

You can adopt low-code to a wide range of business domains. Yet, to utilize the best of low-code, having an expert in the fields can be a huge plus! 

As Qualified Custom Low-code Companies, Synodus is ready to bring out the best results.   

We work with leading Low-code Platforms such as Microsoft and Salesforce to create robust internal applications and automated workflow for better digital transformation! Learn more about our Low Code Development Services 

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