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Is Low Testosterone Linked to Diabetes Diseases?

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Low-testosterone is a medical condition where your body doesn't produce enough of the testosterone hormone, this hormone is critical for many male characteristics, including the maturation of male sex organs, sperm development, hair growth, muscle mass development & voice deepening, etc. The levels of this hormone tend to peak in men during adolescence & early childhood, those levels typically decline by about 1 percent each year, starting around age 30 However, you may experience declining testosterone at a younger age in some cases. Till now, low testosterone showing the symptoms like reduced sex drive, shrinking testicles, hot flashes, male infertility, erectile dysfunction & loss of armpit & public hair but according to new research, males that are diabetic type 1 are frequently showing signs of lowered testosterone. Here is what Testosterone Replacement therapy Online needs to inform you about low testosterone & its link with diabetes.


What are the Low Testosterone Symptoms in Men?


Here are almost all the symptoms of low testosterone:


  • Problems in erection
  • Fewer spontaneous erections
  • Reduced sex drive or libido
  • Increase in body weight
  • Male infertility
  • Rapid hair loss
  • A decrease in energy levels
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Sleep disturbances


An estimated 1 in 50 men have low T & experience symptoms such as less energy, lack of concentration, trouble sleeping, decreased sex drive & erectile dysfunction. According to the American Urological Association, approximately 35% of men in their 70s have low testosterone levels. Thanks to the best Testosterone Replacement Options that aim to provide you the effective & successful treatment for low testosterone at your pace.


How Low-Testosterone is Linked to Diabetes Diseases?


As discussed above, research shows that males who are diabetic type 1 are frequently showing signs of lowered testosterone. Many of the men who suffer from type 2 diabetes also have low-T levels even a recent study showed that 43% of type 2 diabetic men have reduced total testosterone levels & 57% have lower free testosterone levels. As per recent research, there is a direct correlation between insulin resistance which is common in diabetics & low levels of testosterone even the facts were surprising, almost 44% of men who tested positive for type 2 diabetes also tested positive for low testosterone, and 1 in 5 men who tested positive for type 1 diabetes also tested positive for low-testosterone. However, this was the first research of its type that were showing the link between diabetes & low testosterone but also unclear as to which one causes the other. 


Get the Right Treatment for Low-testosterone at Online TRT Clinic 


Men at any age can suffer from low testosterone levels, all you need is a dedicated & trusted treatment solution at Online TRT Clinic. We are known to address the hard-hitting issues that affect men's overall health and can provide you with holistic solutions to your health. Online TRT Clinic believes that there is no reason to continue suffering without seeking expert help therefore, we build a custom treatment plan to optimize your hormone levels, getting you on the path to looking, feeling & performing your best. All our experts help you to restore your quality of life, specializing in testosterone replacement therapy to optimize performance, strength, focus & performance. Whether you are suffering from diabetes or not, Online TRT Clinic has the best solution for you.