1. Health

Is Milk Tea Beneficial? Read To Know!

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When you are in a place like India, drinking milk tea or chai is more than just a beverage; it is an experience!


A cup of chai typically consists of milk, tea leaves, and various spices, including ginger, cardamom, and others. This tasty drink can brighten anyone's disposition, no matter how miserable. It is an excellent way to begin one's day.


Yet, many health professionals and nutritionists believe that adding milk to tea reduces the beverage's health benefits and may even create unfavourable effects such as gastrointestinal issues. 


Also, if not consumed in moderation, tea with milk infused into it can bring on medical issues. Tea has a high concentration of antioxidants and a low calorie and caffeine content. It has a high phytonutrient content and low caloric and caffeine content. 


In addition to several other essential minerals, it contains potassium and sodium. Many teas include L theanine, which has been shown to benefit mental health and produce a more relaxed state of mind. Drinking black or green tea may be more effective in these situations.

Benefits From Milk Tea

Milk tea is a mood enhancer and can bring respite, which is helpful after a long, exhausting day. The following are the benefits of milk tea: 

1. It Will Make You Feel Better

Milk tea is a mood-boosting antidepressant that will help you feel better quickly! Milk contains protein, which has been proven to aid memory and mood, which is why this is the case. 


Aside from that, milk tea is generally made with fragrant spices like ginger and cardamom, both of which have the potential to help soothe our bodies and minds.

2. Gives Energy

Consuming milk tea has several benefits, including stimulating the body's natural energy production. Tea is the beverage of choice for many people since it is the sole beverage that gives them more vigour in their bodies. Nonetheless, it is crucial to stay active and fit and put the energy to use to lead a healthy life. 


3. Alleviates The Pain Of Headaches

According to some people, drinking milk tea can help ease headaches. One possible reason is that it contains ginger, which effectively treats pain.

The Potential Side Effects Of Consuming Milk Tea

Drinking milk on an empty stomach could lead to some major health problems. Consuming milk tea can have several unfavourable effects, including the following:

1. Bloating

If you drink excessive milk tea, you may have to bloat. Caffeine, found in tea, makes the stomach feel bloated. Tannins, which are present in tea, are known to irritate the digestive tract and induce pain. Both of these factors can encourage increased petrol production.

2. Constipation

In addition to caffeine, theophylline can also be found in tea. When taken in large quantities, tea has the potential to cause substantial constipation as a result of its drying and dehydrating effects on the body.

3. Nervousness

You should drink less tea if you have anxiety because it can worsen your condition. Drinking actually has the potential to make the symptoms of this disease worse, which in turn makes it more challenging to manage.

4. Insomnia

Caffeine in tea induces sleep problems and may prevent you from falling asleep. Avoid drinking milk tea if you already have insomnia or any symptoms if you want to get a good night's sleep.

5. Dehydration

One of the most dangerous negative effects of drinking milk tea is that it causes dehydration. This is primarily attributable to the high content of caffeine. Consequently, you should avoid drinking milk tea on an empty stomach, particularly if it has added sugar.


6. Differences In Blood Pressure

Drinking excessive amounts of the milk tea has been linked to developing blood pressure imbalances. Therefore, individuals with high blood pressure should refrain from drinking excessive amounts of milk tea.

7. Insufficient Nutrient Absorption

Consuming excessive caffeine can harm digestive function and the body's ability to absorb nutrients. Tannin, found in tea, is a molecule that reduces the amount of iron absorbed from the food we eat. Because of this, tea should not be drunk with meals but rather in the time between meals.

8. Miscarriage Possibility

Because it contains components that can relax muscles, soothe the mind, improve blood flow, and clean the body, tea is considered to be beneficial for the body. When pregnant, however, having muscles that are too relaxed, having excess substances that detoxify the body, or having an uneven blood flow can all contribute to miscarriages. This is why it is important for pregnant women to carefully control how much tea they drink during their pregnancy.

The Bottom Line 

Tea, particularly black and green varieties, has significant antioxidant molecules. These molecules have many health benefits, including the potential to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Yet, some study suggests that adding milk to tea may lessen these substances' effect on the body. Others, on the other hand, have demonstrated the opposite impact.


In addition, most studies on the intake of milk and tea use rather small sample sizes. Those who drink tea with milk daily are not included in this count. Consequently, it is not yet known whether or not adding milk to tea is beneficial. Nonetheless, drinking tea, in general, has been connected to the possibility of providing benefits.


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