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The world of work is becoming more competitive by the minute. More and more people are putting in longer hours, but does it pay off? A recent study shows that those who work 8+ hour days are significantly less productive than their counterparts with 40-hour weeks!

We all know that over time can be a great way to increase productivity, but the question is: does it really work? Weighing against this cost should give you an idea of whether using your employees' time for additional hours will benefit them or not.

When employees work overtime for an extended period of time, their productivity decreases dramatically and they lose focus on tasks at hand.

8+ hours a day is dangerous and can lead to burnout. To avoid the consequences, you need productivity tracking software that helps keep track on your time

Dire Consequences of Overtime Work

  1. Increased Safety Risk

Working overtime is associated with a number of potential dangers. The most immediate danger comes from taking on more work than you can handle, which leads to mistakes and injuries at your workplace. Furthermore, this type of scheduling often increases stress levels in the employees who do it; these high-stress situations make for unfortunate consequences like illness or injury as well!

  1. Decreased Productivity

Overtime can be great for productivity, but it’s not always the answer. After eight hours of work in a day, your productivity will decrease by about 17%.  However, if you take time off from working during those late evening/early morning hours then there may actually be an increase!

  1. Increased Health Issues

Working too many hours can have adverse health effects. Research has found if you work more than 40 a week, your risk for mental illness increases and feeling overwhelmed is easy to do when there's no time left to relax or unwind from the job!

  1. Increased Absenteeism

Overtime can lead to increased absenteeism because it is stressful and overworking employees might miss their work due to this stress.

Some considered benefits with 8+ hour’s working days

  1. Make More Money

Working more hours is better for you. A recent study issued by Stanford University found that those who work 8+ hrs a day are making higher salaries than their peers with less time spent in the office, and this seems true across all industries!

  1. Boosts Career

The opportunity for a career boost is one reason many people are choosing to work additional hours. In contrast, office workers may only have access to positions that involve greater responsibility and autonomy if they're lucky enough to get promoted into them!

  1. A More Flexible Workforce

With the rise of technology, employees have more opportunities to work remotely. This allows them to control their schedules and provides a better life balance – all while being able to take advantage of these advancements in order for an even healthier career!

Source: Is Overtime Worth It? A Study of 8+ Hour Workdays