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Have you ever stopped to think about life hereafter?  Dream Manifestation Review We often talk about heaven or hell and most religions believe that if you follow certain paths or beliefs you'll go there one day. Now the question I want to ask is – have you ever had someone come back and tell you that there actually was one or the other? Now before you get too upset with me, I'm not saying there is or isn't, I'm just asking the question.

What it really amounts to is faith, or is it hope that there is more than just this? When you look at our life span – even someone who lives past 100 – in the overall history of earth it is just the blink of an eye. Is it just hope or is there more to it than that? Is it something that those that want to rule us came up with so that we would obey their rules?

What if it's completely different than what we have been led to believe? Some say that in the original writings that were left out of the Bible, there is reference to reincarnation. That terminology brings up the stories of those that claim they were some exalted ruler in a past life; I never hear of someone who was a slave. What if you really were here before but the memories of that event don't come with you? Or maybe they are imprinted in our DNA and that's why some are child geniuses. Of course, if we're not one of the geniuses then we don't want to recognize that aspect.

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