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Humans are creatures of habit. We like to order the same meal when dining at a restaurant because we know we love it. When shopping, we want to buy things we know we like. We tend to wear the same outfits and use the same makeup and shampoo repeatedly.

Breaking habits can be difficult, especially when we like something, even if we know it may not be good for us—like conventional hair and skin care products with potentially harsh ingredients. We know that many products contain potentially harsh elements. Still, we often continue to use them out of convenience instead of switching to clean shampoo or more natural skin care products.

Fortunately, autumn is the ideal time to implement a better skin care and hair routine. Like we swap out wardrobe staples like shorts and spaghetti straps for jeans and sweaters, lighter moisturizers and oils are replaced with richer, creamier products to help our skin and hair retain moisture in the cooler air. So why not revisit your beauty habits and products?

Here are some easy and effective ways to break bad skin care habits and make some positive changes this fall:

Bad Habit #1: Forgetting to Wash Your Face Before Bed

Washing your face each night may seem like a no-brainer, but so many of us don’t do it. Cleansing your face before bed removes the makeup and impurities that have accumulated on your skin throughout the day.

To make it easier to remember, create an evening skin care routine you love and won’t want to live without. Keep in mind that not all skin care products are created equal, so invest in clean beauty products that aren’t formulated with potentially harsh ingredients. The last thing you want to do is trade one bad habit for another—like lathering artificial fragrances all over your delicate skin. Start simple with a daily cleansing face wash made from natural ingredients, and then once you get that down, you can add steps to your skin care routine.

Bad Habit #2: Not Using Sunscreen Daily

Sunscreen is essential to any beauty routine because it protects your skin from the sun’s rays. Many think that they don’t need sunscreen once summer ends since they aren’t headed to the beach or pool, but that isn’t the case. You should wear sunscreen daily, especially outdoors, even if there’s no hint of sunshine. Fortunately, there are clean beauty products and effective multitaskers, like tinted mineral sunscreen, that can protect your skin year-round.

Instead of reaching for just any sunscreen, it's essential to use a high-quality mineral sunscreen. Mineral sunscreens typically work by physically blocking and reflecting UVA and UVB rays, sitting on top of the skin like a protective shield. Chemical sunscreens absorb the UV rays, but many contain potentially harsh elements that may not get along with your skin. Mineral sunscreens gently and effectively protect your skin, giving you one less thing to worry about.

Bad Habit #3: Not Maintaining Consistent Morning and Evening Routines

Even if your skin care routine is super basic, maintaining consistent morning and evening routines can make a significant difference in the health and appearance of your skin. At a bare minimum, your morning routine should include a gentle facial cleanser, moisturizer, and mineral sunscreen. Your evening routine should also include a gentle cleanser as well as a more substantial moisturizer. While this may sound quite simple, it’s an excellent starting point for helping you build a healthy daily routine.

About Living Beautifully

Living a beautiful life means something different to each person, but many of us share common interests: healthy lifestyles, clean beauty, and timeless fashion trends. At Living Beautifully we bring readers a wealth of valuable information so they can make up their own minds on what it means to live beautifully. Take what you need and leave the rest. Living Beautifully aims to bring together curious, thoughtful human beings to live their best life.

Find everything you need for an effective, clean skin care routine at https://goop.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3FFjpkc

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