1. Business

IVR System Testing Checklist: 10 Things to Consider

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It is becoming increasingly common for businesses of all sizes to use Interactive Voice Response (IVR). IVR service‘s wide acceptance can be attributed to its ability to accelerate the efficiency of everyday business processes. A telephone answering system has also proven invaluable when it comes to handling mundane tasks, such as answering a never-ending number of calls.

On the other hand, while IVR system has become increasingly popular among businesses, a significant number of customers experience disappointing IVR experiences that negatively impact their relationship with the brand. Moreover, according to research stats, 83% of customers will avoid a business if its IVR experience is poor.

Therefore, a company must do its best to avoid poor customer service when designing an IVR. It is important to create a blueprint of the IVR calling system by considering all the touchpoints of the customer's journey before getting started with the development.

IVR Testing Checklist: 10 Things to Consider


After developing the IVR system, putting it to use requires IVR testing. However, in haste to launch an IVR, businesses neglect this step, leading to an unsatisfactory customer experience. It is therefore imperative that companies test their IVR before they put it in the hands of customers so that they can evaluate how well the customer experience is delivered. Check out the checklist below, which will help you test your IVR thoroughly.

1. Callers Are Greeted Warmly By IVR


Every approaching customer should be welcomed warmly by your IVR. A friendly and natural voice should be used in the IVR. In the first point of contact, you have a high chance of losing your customer if your voice greeting sounds robotic, monotone, or less humane.

Be sure to include a welcome message in your IVR system

  1.   Voice is clear, warm, and audible
  2.   Avoids industry jargon
  3.   Throughout the IVR, the voice texture is consistent
  4.   It does not contain company introductions or offers

2. A Limited Selection of Menu Options Is Available On the IVR


Customer queries should be answered quickly. When there are more than 3-4 options in the menu structure, it can be confusing for customers, resulting in a slow query resolution process. Most customers may forget the first menu options until the last option on the menu.

Check if the IVR system offers more than four menu options to the customer during testing. You should trim the list to the bare minimum if there are more than four options.

3. An Option Is Announced Before the Description in the IVR


IVR systems have this approach where a press of one indicates a connection to sales (to contact their sales department). This approach has, however, been seen as a setback by only a few companies.

The recall of an option is affected by the announcement of the option before the description. With a long list of options to announce to customers and a short attention span, customers are less likely to remember the choice after the description.

The customer has no alternative but to traverse through the entire list again in such circumstances. In order to avoid these types of scenarios, always specify the description prior to the option, such as the following:

The Sales department can be reached by pressing 1


As a result, the customer is more likely to get an accurate response on the first try and experience less frustration.

4. There Is a Correct Response to Self-Help Options


To ensure their customers are able to resolve basic queries on their own without relying on the agent's assistance, every quality IVR includes self-help options. Customers prefer these self-help options since they provide a rapid response to their queries.

It is extremely important for a business to ensure their IVR system provides accurate information since customers rely on self-service options to find answers. Make sure your self-help options are working while testing your IVR system.

5. An Agent Can Be Reached Through the IVR


“Get in touch with an agent” is the second most commonly selected option by customers using an IVR system after self-help.  For this reason, it is imperative that the business provide an option that can connect them with an agent alongside other menu options.

Make certain to offer customers the option of connecting directly with an agent during IVR testing. To avoid any complexities in the customer's search process, place this option at the top of the IVR system.



In any development of products, testing is a fundamental step. Apart from error handling, testing informs you of the possible loopholes and a real-world usage of the product beforehand. There is a multi-fold increase in the significance of IVR testing as IVR will be used by huge customers’ base inclusive of likely as well as subsisting.  The above are a few IVR testing considerations that you can implement while or after deciding an IVR service provider. But, you need to be cautious of your variable customer’s pattern and expectation for exhaustive IVR testing.

To receive a free trial of IVR from the best IVR service provider in India such as Office24by7 Technologies, please contact us at 91 7097171717 or email us at sales@office24by7.com.

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