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What is Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja

Kaal Sarp dosh is connected with the harmful effects of the most malignant snake called Kaal Sarp.  If a person has been affected by this dosha he gets dreams of snakes and is sometimes bitten by a snake. To minimize the ill effects of this Dosha, one has to perform puja vidhi in a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva to get his blessings, and hence one will attain Moksha from Kaal Sarp Dosh. Trimbakeshwar, situated in Nashik, Maharashtra is one of the best places to perform the Kaal Sarp puja vidhi. 

A Kaal Sarp Yog is arranged when all the ruling planets, which occupy particular houses in our horoscope, come in between Rahu (the north node of the moon) and Ketu (the south node of the moon). Rahu indicates the Karma of the previous birth. Some of the other forms of Kaal Sarp Dosh according to the horoscope and in accordance with the positioning of planets, they are Kulik Kaal Sarp Dosh, Vasuki Kaal Sarp Dosh, Shankpal Kaal Sarp Dosh, Padam Kaal Sarp Dosh, etc. but the Effects of Kaal Sarp dosh is very high and dangerous when compared to all other Sarp dosh. 

A person can experience a complete Kaal Sarp Yog if her birth chart has only when fifty percent of the chart is unoccupied by planets. When all the celestial planets are surrounded between Rahu and Ketu i.eThe moon’s north node and the moon’s south node Kaal Sarp Yog is formed. One can find twelve types of Kaal Sarp dosha according to Hindu Vedic calendar.   The most dreaded and dangerous one is the Kaal Sarp dosh. He will face many challenges in life and his personal and professional life will be severely affected.

Why to choose Trimbakeshwar for Kaal Sarp puja: Devotees visit Trimbakeshwar for doing all types of puja, especially for performing Kaal Sarp puja, they will take an appointment with an expert astrologer/ pandit who will help them to remove the ill. effects of Kaal Sarp dosh. Trimbakeshwar has got one of the best twelve Jyotirlingas and so is a highly recommended place for  Kaal Sarpa Puja. It plays a very important role in making the puja more useful and effective. As per the Hindu Vedic tradition, a Jyotirlinga is ideal and symbolizes a perfect place to worship Lord Shiva. He is the god of anger and has the power to destroy all the bad and evil things in the universe.

How to perform this puja vidhi in Trimbakeshwar: First you should consult a priest who has experience in performing Kaal Sarp puja. The devotees should reach the temple before sunrise. Then they should handover the necessary ingredients like vermillion, turmeric, fruits, flowers, incense sticks, idols of snake god made of copper, bronze or silver etc to the pandit. The puja is performed by chanting mantras and offering flowers to Lord Shiva, to please him. Note that while performing this puja one should wear new clothes.  Men must wear Dhoti kurta and the women should wear saree (of colors white, green, black) 

How to select the dates to perform puja vidhi in Trimbakeshwar temple for kaal sarp dosh: The most significant day  to perform the Kaal Sarp Puja is on the day of Amavasya.  One can perform this Puja on tuesday or sunday or on the auspicious day Naga Panchami. Even to get the best outcomes, the puja vidhi is conducted twice a year. You can also choose the Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja dates that take place at the time of the Uttarayanam. 

Benefits of performing Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja Vidhi in Trimbakeshwar

  • The person will overcome all kinds of fear, mental struggle, etc 
  • One can get relief from Kaal Sarp dosh which is 100% dosh nivaran pooja.
  • He/ she will perform all his duties well. 
  • Help a devotee in getting blessings of 9 varieties of snakes.
  • The person starts to think in a positive way and can recede the fear from his mind.
  • He gets the ability to eliminate the hindrances and obstructions from one’s life and gives great pleasure and happiness.
  • The relationship with the family members will become strong and good which protects a person from any supernatural evil powers.
  • The problems with financial and legal matters get resolved.
  • The person also gets the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi by worshiping the snake god.

This yoga can trouble a person in different ways and it is also more life-threatening, if not treated properly. Moreover, the person can be affected by this yoG over a period of 48-55 years and throughout his life. This all be based upon the position of Kaal Sarpa yoga. One has to take precautionary measures like visiting a Trimbakeshwar Temple Kaal Sarp Puja or chanting Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra to remove the obstacles due to  Kaal Sarp Yog.


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