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Labor Day celebrations are here, which means guests will be coming over, and for that, you need to ensure that all of your outdoor furniture is in top shape. This occasion is the perfect excuse to beef up the health of your outdoor furnishings because even after the festivities are over, you would still want to keep your outdoor furniture spotless!

If you're probably wondering what to do with your dirty couch, then don't worry because we have got your back. Cleaning furniture is not the most fun and exciting job, but it does not have to be complicated and time-consuming. You must remember that your outdoor furniture is the most important part of your outdoor sanctuary, and it deserves the right treatment. 

 There are numerous ways to clean your furniture and its cushion fabric, all you need to do is have the proper knowledge. Our guide will give you tips and tricks to take care of all sorts of mess – from dust and pollen to mold and spillage – so that you're always prepared for anything. When it comes to cleaning outdoor furniture, there are two components: 

All-Weather Wicker

Most high-quality patio brands in the market are using HDPE resin wicker these days. All wicker sets at Cozy Corner Patio furniture are hand-crafted with All-Weather round wicker that stand the test of time. The thing that makes this wicker so popular is its durability and easy-to-clean nature. 


  • Before you begin cleaning, the first step is to remove the cushions and any piece of fabric
  • You can remove the dust and pollen build-up using a brush
  • After you are all set, take a bucket of lukewarm water, add a few drops of mild soap or dishwasher (1:4 dish soap to water ratio) and mix well
  • Use a soft cloth to wipe the wicker and end with a nice clean-off using a garden hose
  • For tougher stains, you can use warmer water and a brush to scrub off and rinse off the build-up
  • For mildew, you can create a 1:4 solution of vinegar diluted in water

Metal and Aluminum frames 

Variety is the word that comes to mind when talking about outdoor furniture made out of aluminum. Aluminum-built furniture is a brilliant choice for your backyard, and here is how you can clean them along with any metallic legs/frames that come with outdoor furniture.

  • Prepare a 1:4 dish soap to warm water solution
  • Make your furniture wet with water, and then apply the solution
  • Scrub off scuffs, dirt, and mildew with a soft brush and wash off with a garden hose
  • For grime and stubborn spots/mildew, use a solution made out of oxygen bleach, dish soap, and water
  • Scrub and Hose off the cleaning solution and residue with a garden hose

Teak Wood

Wooden furniture, especially Teak wood, which is the most commonly used in outdoor furniture, is susceptible to mold build-up and erosion over time. Therefore, regular cleaning and maintenance are quite important. One thing to keep in mind is to go gentle with the water spray, never power wash your teakwood furniture, instead, have a gentle approach as mentioned below.

A solution of gentle soap/dishwasher along with a bucket of warm water in a 1:4 ratio

  • Wet the furniture with just water, apply the solution and rinse with a soft bristle brush
  • Gently rub and scrub off the dirt and build-up
  • Hose-off gently to prevent widening of the natural cracks
  • Towel-off the excess water
  • For tougher stains and mildew, use a solution made out of oxygen bleach, dish soap, and water

Cleaning your furniture fabrics and cushions

Once you are done cleaning your furniture wicker and frame, it is time to shift the focus to your cushions and fabrics. Cushions and fabrics are the eye-catching elements of your furniture. Dust and dirt build-up might go unnoticed on your wicker and frames, but when it comes to cushions and fabrics, the truth is easily visible. Having clean and shiny cushions is key to owning that forever young and beautiful outdoor furniture look. 

Cushions and fabrics are more reactive to treatment than the sturdy materials used for wicker and furniture frames. Therefore, the care and approach need to be precise and sensitive. If there are instructions with the tag, simply follow it. But if the instructions don’t do the job or you are completely clueless about cleaning your cushion fabrics, you can follow these instructions.

Brush before cleaning: The first step after removing your cushions is to vacuum the pollen and dust with a brush.

For spills and stains: For spills and stains, we suggest you immediately clean them with water to get them off easily. 

Avoid harsh chemicals: For regular clean-ups, use a mixture of gentle soap and water. Using strong cleansers can damage the protective coatings.

For mold and mildew: The best way to get them off is by using a solution that contains 25% white vinegar and 75% water. This solution will help you with the stubborn build-up of mold and mildew.

Ketchup and Mustard stains

For ketchup and mustard stains, you can go with ¼ cup of dishwasher + 1 cup of bleach for every gallon of water.

Cleaning Coffee stains

To begin the process, mix soap and warm water to create a lather. You can also use bleach water to remove tough stains. You can then use a soft bristle brush to further rinse the area with warm water until the stain is gone.

To remove bird droppings

If it is wet, clean it with soap and water. For dry droppings, first apply water, wait for 15 minutes then scrub it with soap water. When the stain completely dries once, vacuum it.

With these cleaning tips and tricks, you can easily take care of your outdoor furniture and maintain its brand-new look for ages and with many more festive occasions to come. But while cleaning tricks are useful, you should also focus on preventive measures that will help you increase the longevity of your furniture while reducing the cleaning frequency. These include using protective covers, sand hades, and storing your furniture when not in use.




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