1. Pets

Keep Your Pet Safe During The Fourth Of July

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The Fourth of July is a day of celebration. However, pets sometimes do not appreciate celebrations because of the explosions and crowds of strangers. Here are some tips on how you can keep your pet safe during holidays:

Fourth of July Pet Safety Tips - Young-Williams Animal Center

  • Designate a sound-proof space where your pet can rest. A simple crate is enough to be your pet’s safe holiday space. However, it should be prepared. Make sure to set it up and remove any possible hazards. 
  • Conduct an activity with your pet before the explosions happen. This will tire your pet; instead of feeling anxious, he will be more occupied by his tiredness and would rather sleep. 
  • Leave your pet behind if you’re going to watch a fireworks display. Remember, pets don’t like explosions. Instead of appreciating the view, your pet might end up having a panic attack and cause inconvenience to the people who went there to relax. 
  • Attach an identification tag to your pet. A microchip is a fantastic alternative to the standard identification tag for preventing dog loss. If your dog gets lost, you are more likely to be reunited if he has one of these two devices, if not both. 


Your vet Dawsonville, GA is a valuable resource regarding issues affecting your pet’s health and well-being.
