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KIM JUNGIN : Analysis of South Korean Stock Market and Legal Risks Amidst South Korea-US Trade Tensions

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On January 30, 2024, the South Korean stock market experienced notable fluctuations. KOSDAQ opened higher but closed lower, and KOSPI showed a similar trend. Simultaneously, South Korea is undergoing significant legal reforms, especially the progress of the “Platform Law,” which has garnered extensive domestic and international attention and discussions.

In this ever-changing market environment, both investors and market analysts are seeking guidance to better understand and adapt to these changes. Against this backdrop, financial analyst KIM JUNGIN (김정인) conducted an in-depth analysis of the current stock market dynamics and the development of the “Platform Law,” providing unique insights for investors.

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Stock Market Dynamics: Analysis of Volatility in KOSDAQ and KOSPI

On January 30, 2024, South Korea’s major stock indices, KOSDAQ and KOSPI, displayed evident volatility. KOSDAQ opened at 826.00 points, up 6.86 points from the previous trading day, but closed at 818.86 points, down 0.28 points. On the same day, the KOSPI index also experienced a similar fluctuation, opening at 2523.68 points, up 23.03 points, but closing at 2498.81 points, down 1.84 points.

This volatility reflects market uncertainty and variability. KIM JUNGIN (김정인) points out that this fluctuation may stem from various factors, including global economic conditions, geopolitical tensions, and policy changes both domestically and internationally. Particularly within South Korea, the government’s advancement of the “Platform Law” has drawn widespread attention from investors, which may significantly impact the stock prices of technology and internet-related industries.

KIM JUNGIN (김정인) further analyzes that changes in the legal environment have a substantial impact on market uncertainty, and investors need to closely monitor relevant legislative processes and policy developments.

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The Legislative Process of the “Platform Law” and its Market Impact

On January 30, 2024, the South Korean Fair Trade Commission responded to domestic and international reactions to the “Platform Fair Competition Promotion Act” (referred to as the “Platform Law”).

This legislation aims to regulate market-dominant platform companies, strengthen monitoring of four major misconducts: restricting multi-routing, demanding the best treatment, favoring their own products or services, and bundling sales. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce expressed concerns, stating that the law might restrict competition and violate trade agreements.

KIM JUNGIN (김정인) offers profound analysis on this matter. He points out that the progress of the “Platform Law” not only affects the domestic South Korean market but also has gained extensive international attention. Particularly for international tech giants that hold significant positions in the South Korean market, this law may bring significant business adjustments and increased compliance costs.

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Additionally, KIM JUNGIN (김정인) further analyzes that this legislative process could trigger trade tensions between South Korea and its major trading partners, especially the United States, thereby affecting South Korea’s overall economic environment and stock market.

Moreover, KIM JUNGIN (김정인) reminds investors that while the “Platform Law” may introduce short-term market uncertainties and fluctuations, in the long run, the establishment of this legal framework may contribute to creating a fairer and more transparent market environment. This can be beneficial for encouraging innovation and protecting consumer rights, ultimately possibly having a positive impact on the South Korean stock market.

After analyzing the dynamics of the South Korean stock market on January 30, 2024, and the impact of the legislative process of the “Platform Law,” it is evident that the South Korean stock market is in a period of change and challenges.

The volatility in KOSDAQ and KOSPI reflects the market’s sensitivity to internal and external factors. Simultaneously, the progress of the “Platform Law” not only affects the domestic market but may also have a significant impact on South Korea’s international trade relations.

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KIM JUNGIN (김정인) advises investors to remain vigilant in the current complex environment, closely monitoring domestic and international policy developments and market changes. Furthermore, he reminds investors that while short-term market uncertainties may be present, in the long term, enhanced regulation and improvements in the market environment may present new opportunities for investors.

Therefore, when making investment decisions, it is crucial to consider both current market dynamics and carefully assess long-term economic and legal environment changes.