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When you present work from different sources as your own without giving credit to the original author, is known as plagiarism. It occurs when you use ideas, information from various sources and do not cite them correctly. In normal sense, it is a copy-paste of another person’s work. Moreover, plagiarism is unfair, and it also has various negative impact. But, with the correct planning and proper citation of the sources, you can avoid the negative effects of copying. Moreover, you can also use the free plagiarism checker UK to find issues.

So, now let’s move ahead to discuss different types of plagiarism. It helps you differentiate among these. Moreover, this information also lets you avoid copying in your work.

Have a Look at the Brief Explanation of 6 Plagiarism Types

Here are the six common types of plagiarism.

1.  Global Plagiarism

It is the most common type of plagiarism. Copying the text from the source and presenting it as your work without giving credit to the writer is known as global plagiarism. It is also considered as direct stealing of someone else content. When you use some section of another person’s project and write exact words in your content is an example of global plagiarism. It is easy to spot this type of copying. So, to avoid using exact content, take the proper time to research and collect the data. With this, also critically examine and cite the sources.

2.  Verbatim Plagiarism

Verbatim plagiarism means when you copy somebody else words and directly use them in your work without giving proper credit to the original writer. Sometimes, students considered global plagiarism as same as verbatim plagiarism. But there is a difference in both of them. In the former, you copy an entire work, while in verbatim plagiarism, you only copy some parts or sections. When you write a section as it is from a website or article and include it in the document without proper citation is considered as verbatim plagiarism. You can avoid this type of copying by putting the copied text in quotation marks. Moreover, try to include in-text citations in the document.

3.  Self-Plagiarism

Moving on to the next type of copying is self-plagiarism. It includes reusing your previous work to make a new project. Is reusing your content to prepare a new document plagiarism? Well, the answer is that it is not as serious but also not acceptable, especially if you are making a document for academic work. There are guidelines on how much of your previous content can be reused for writing a project.

4.  Mosaic Plagiarism

When you use text from other sources without quotation marks, this is known as mosaic plagiarism. It also occurs when you change words or sentence structure to make it an original work. Using quotes without proper citation is also considered mosaic plagiarism. You can avoid this sort of copying by making clear and detailed notes. Moreover, write quotes in quotation marks along with correctly citing the sources.

5.  Paraphrasing Plagiarism

Paraphrase means to use different words to explain something again. Hence, paraphrasing plagiarism is using another person's work and changing few words or phrases without giving credit to the real author. It is another common type of copying. Additionally, if you use someone else idea and present it in your own words, is also results in plagiarism. To avoid this type of copying, make sure that you use passive voice to write document. With this, you also have to change the sentence structure.

6.  Accidental Plagiarism

It is another most common type of plagiarism. It occurs when you do not even realize that you are copying the work of someone else. This type of plagiarism occurs in the following situations. Firstly, when you forget to cite the sources or misquote the sources. Secondly, when you use similar words or groups of words. Thirdly, it can occur when you do not cite the source. To avoid this, make sure to correctly cite the source in the document. You can also search mba assignment help online to find the correct source for your project.

The above section provides you with knowledge of different types of plagiarism. In the next part, you will learn about the consequences of copying.

Learn the Negative Impacts of Plagiarism

Now, in this part you will learn the negative consequences of plagiarism.

1.  Lose Credibility

The first negative impact of plagiarism is that you lose your credibility. So, if the content you write is copied, it can negatively impact your reputation. Moreover, it can also lower your image in front of teachers.

2.  Failing Grades

The second negative impact of plagiarism is that you get poor scores in your studies. When you prepare a document by copying another person content and submit it as it is to your professors, they can easily spot that plagiarized content. As a result, they will give you lower grades, and sometimes, result in failing a subject.

3.  Pay Royalty

The third consequence of plagiarism is that, sometimes you have to pay a royalty to the creator. It mostly occurs in research papers, as writing a long project is a difficult task for many students and they copy the exact content. If the author comes to know about this, you have to pay royalty to him.

4.  Suspension

Educational institutions critically evaluate the content. So, if you use copied content without correctly citing the source, it results in your suspension. It adversely impacts your academic record and can also become a major hurdle in your higher studies and career.


Hence, plagiarism is when you present another person work as your own without giving proper credit to the real author. It is considered unethical and also has several negative consequences. This can result in losing your credibility and getting poor grades in academics. Moreover, it results in your suspension, which can impact your higher studies. So, to avoid the adverse effects of plagiarism, correctly cite the sources. With this, give proper credit to the creator. You can also use the free plagiarism checker UK to cross-check the content to ensure the originality of the document.
