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Know about SIA Security Licenses In the UK Before You Hire SIA Security Guards

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When you intend to hire SIA Security Guards in the UK, it is better to be aware of the SIA license and the issuing body,

Security Industry Association:

This is the full form of SIA. It is nothing but a public body. The body is responsible for regulating the private security industry in the United Kingdom. Particularly, this body plays a key role in deciding whether or not to give licenses to individuals interested to work in specific jobs in the private security industry. It is illegal in the United Kingdom to work on specific security jobs without an SIA license. The SIA issues two different types of licenses. They are front-line and non-front-line licenses.

What is A Front-Line License?

You will have to hire SIA security guards with a front-line license if you are going to use the guards for licensable activities like public space surveillance, security guarding, close protection, CVIT and door supervision. You will find front-line guards having a license that looks like a plastic credit card.

To qualify for a front-line license, a person should:

• Be of at least 18 years
• Have passed an identity test
• Get through the criminal records check
• Have the appropriate SIA-recognized and qualification linked with the license
• Have the permit to work in the United Kingdom.

What is a Non-Front line License?

When SIA Security door staff should have a front line license, a non-front line license is required if you will be using the guard for supervising, managing and/or employing individuals for taking care of licensable activities. Examples include directors of companies. An SIA guard with a non-front line license will be in a position to cover key holding.

To get a non-front line SIA security guard license, a person should pass through a criminal record check, get through an identity check and should have completed at least 18 years.

Hire from a Professional:

When you hire SIA Security guards, you are relieved of evaluating different aspects. Particularly, when you hire SIA Security door staff from an experienced company that offers SIA security guards for hire for a long, you can expect the best outcome. As the companies with experience would have offered security guards for hire in many previous instances, you can expect the best service. Above all, you can expect the delivery of the guards with extensive experience when you hire the guards from this type of experienced company.