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Search Engine Optimization alias SEO has been the word that has been buzzing for a long time. Over the years, the importance of digital marketing has been increasing multifold. In addition, the outbreak of the pandemic situation has made it imperative for all businesses and professionals to have a good digital presence. 

That's where SEO service gained momentum. It is a known fact that SEO covers a gamut of services that all businesses may not afford. Having said that SEO services cannot be neglected as well. That's where the concept of Ala Carte SEO came into existence. 

The phrase Ala Carte certainly gives you a glimpse of what would Ala carte SEO means isn't it???

Ala carte SEO means that a business gets a chance to create their SEO service package based on the size, nature of the business and budget. In other words, from the array of SEO services, you can choose those services that you feel suit your vision of digital presence and also fits your digital spends. Though you can create your own package, we bring you what an ideal Ala Carte SEO package looks like:

Keyword Research: Irrespective of whether you are creating a wordpress website or LinkedIn profile or more, the very basic requirement as you enter the digital space is knowing the keywords that would define your business and help you find visibility. Keywords are also the key to writing effective blogs that are the next important element in an Ala Carte SEO.

Blogs: When we speak of online presence, Blogs have proved to be one of the best ways to enhance your online visibility. Updating your website with short or long-form blogs are not only a great source of information but also are a great way of making a sales pitch. For example: if you are a fashion house, blogs on the latest fashion, skin-friendly fabrics and more would not only help readers get awareness on the fashion but you can also infuse your brand as one of the best fashion houses for all kinds of clients. 

Social Media Presence: After one shuts the morning, the first thing that anyone surfs on the phone is Insta. Such has been the power of these social media platforms that help engage, interact, inform and network virtually. Therefore, your Ala carte SEO must have the basic social media presence covered. 

So, what are you waiting for, define your SEO needs and create your package?

Source: https://digital-agency-reseller.mn.co/posts/16139882


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