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Many times, a Research Journal is also known by the name of a peer-reviewed article. It is derived from a journal that consists of peer reviewers who examine different articles before the latter gets published. The objective of any research journal article is to present updated knowledge on intellectually associated topics.


Academic: As there are two types of research journals, the first one is an academic publication. In such a type of research journal, the peer-reviewed articles presented in the given field offer research as a clear and straightforward process.

Business: The second type of research journal is usually taken into use by qualitative researchers and presents the researcher's survey along with justifications of why they made a different decision while they kept on researching different aspects.


A research journal has great significance and is taken into use by various academic professionals. Moreover, such journals are used by many graduate and undergraduate students as well so they can get an idea about the current research in their field.

It gets very necessary to have research journal articles because they preserve the academic honor of any field in which research is being taken place. In the presence of a journal, important research along with reviews contributions to the field, and various factors get filtered to the top and become apparent to all the research grads who read such journals.

There are many research journals such as Medical Research Journals that assist their readers by providing them information about the most advanced research that has taken in their field. This prevents repetitive research to take place and maintains academics updated on the latest trends and methods.


Before an article gets published in a journal, it needs acceptance as well as review by a committee of the researcher's academic companions. However, a research journal tends to publish only such articles that have cleared the analysis of the council of peer reviewers.

Moreover, a working research journal plays the role of a useful record and is usually used in combination with published interviews. Nevertheless, the researcher may also review the body language of the candidate during an interview. In some divisions, especially in statistical research, the journal is not used because it gets recognized as too subjective.


For doing anything, a particular purpose is needed. Similarly, the function of a research journal is to introduce new research that is especially important in sectors such as medicine and other scientific fields. For instance, in Scientific Journal Online, the research journal often plays the role of exploring various methods and strategies to research.

Moreover, the main function of a working research journal is to provide the basis for any researcher's verdicts in their fields and in their own thoughts and analysis of the methods.


Research journals have their own set of benefits. Academic research journals are taken into use where candidates look for deep knowledge and research in a specific field.

On the contrast, a working research journal is a pathway for researchers to keep a record of data as well as personal impressions. Undoubtedly, there are various reasons and research methodology why the researcher determines different paths.


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