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Know The Signs Of Child Eye Problems: Vision Problems A School Nurse Might Miss

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How To Identify Vision Problems In Young Children | Medanta

Understand that your children may be having some issues with their studies because of their poor eyesight. Yes, that is right. Some kids experience vision problems that may be undiagnosed or difficult to identify because the warning signals are either absent or not strongly felt. 

So, do not expect the children to come to you and report that they are having difficulties with their eyesight. In addition, most children do not get comprehensive eye tests before school. The majority of them only undergo simple visual acuity tests with the help of a chart. During this test, several eye problems are left undiagnosed, including the following:

  • Amblyopia. This condition is known as lazy eye, in which one eye of your kids has poor eyesight caused by astigmatism.
  • Astigmatism. These are errors with your kids’ refractive lenses that cause blurred vision. This condition may result in amblyopia when not corrected using corrective lenses or eyewear.
  • Strabismus. This occurs when there is a misalignment in your kids’ eyes. This condition can be addressed with surgery, special glasses, or patching.
  • Convergence insufficiency. Your kids’ eyes drift in an outward motion as they try to focus on something.  

Take care of your kid’s eyes with regular eye examinations at your professional eye care center Oxnard, CA.


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