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Know whats in store for you this January 2018 | Tarot Readings

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Tarot Master Consultant & Tarot Master Teacher, Graphologist (Handwriting) and Signature Analyst”

“I feel I am a gifted psychic; I have been reading Tarot since many years.” Says an elated Sangeeta, who has won several awards in the field and is also a known face in Graphology and Signature analysis.

CAPRICORN –  22nd Dec–19th Jan 

Career – Challenging time as some major changes are indicated. Also indicates travel to abroad.

Finance – Be positive as there will be delays, but success in future is assured.

Health – Be more positive towards life and try to help yourself with any issues relating to health.

Relationship – You might feel lack of independence and space due to which disturbance in your relationship is indicated.

Tarot Tips – Valuing friends, connections and socializing will be helpful.

AQUARIUS  – 20th Jan–18th Feb

Career – Indicates waiting period in career as some secrets will be revealed or you might reveal a secret in order to make some decision.

Finance – New opportunities will help improve your financial situation, leading to increased prosperity.  You will probably have to take some action in order to take advantage of this new flow of money.

Health –  To enjoy good health, charity is advisable

Relationship – Get ready for a new way of life because one is about to begin.  Change of fortune for the betterment of your love life is indicated.

Tarot Tips – Period of new beginnings as well as warning to be careful.

PISCES  –   19th Feb–20th Mar

Career – Indicates stability and sense of completion.

Finance – Be careful as some cheating, stealing money or loss of valuable is indicated. Try and face situation instead of running away from problems without solving them.

Health – Time to seek somebody’s advice related to treatment, surgery or any exercise in order to enjoy good health.

Relationship – Some changes are indicated as some old relations will end and some new better relations will begin.

Tarot Tips – Don’t give up, don’t surrender.

ARIES –   21st Mar–19th Apr

Career – Everything is likely to turn out much better than you have expected. Some Delays, postponements are also expected, but there is a promise of future success.

Finance – Your hard work & efforts will be appreciated. Taking monetary help from someone is also indicated.

Health – Proper guidance will be required for some health issues, surgery or hospital visits.

Relationship – There will be sudden exposure, which will come as a terrible shock, uncontrollable situation for which one is not prepared, or you may be falsely accused of something.

Tarot Tips – Time to celebrate, accept responsibility and lay a foundation for the future.

TAURUS –  20th Apr–20th May

Career – Be careful as some cheating is indicated. Try and face situation instead of running away from problems without solving them.

Finance – Indicates contentment and stability as you will enjoy good finance.

Health – Pay proper attention to your health as negligence may give rise to health issues and money might be spent on treatment.

Relationship – Time to celebrate good relations. Changes in relationships are indicated for betterment.

Tarot Tips – Be generous with good luck and good fortune.

GEMINI – 21st May – 21st Jun

Career – Indicates new beginning or some changes in career. Sometimes travel is also indicated.

Finance – Little dull period but you will have the hope that everything will be okay.

Health – Some health issues will be difficult to diagnose or some Gynaec issues are also indicated.

Relationship – Be careful as a love triangle, disappointment or cheating is indicated.

Tarot Tips – Let go of your expectations and cultivate patience.

CANCER  – 22nd Jun – 22nd  July

Career – Time to trust your capabilities, be clear in your thoughts and find solutions to problems.

Finance – It indicates new start, new opportunities. But be careful as risk will be involved and the opportunities will be temporary.

Health – Changes in food pattern, medical treatment or exercise will result in good health.

Relationship – In spite of being lonely you will be happy and enjoy your own company. Some good news or visitor is also expected.

Tarot Tips – Let go of your expectations and cultivate patience.

LEO –  23rd Jul – 22rd Aug

Career – Indicates tension, frustration or a situation in which one feels trapped and helpless. Problems can multiply. Avoid business partnership.

Finance – Indicates contentment and some decisions to be made. You may need to seek the help of someone in a position of influence, and that help will be there for you.  It may also be that someone else looks up to you as a means to opening doors for them.

Health – Be very careful as you might regret some decisions related to your health.

Relationship – It indicates giving and receiving of love and support in relationships. Sometimes receiving of gifts is also indicated.

Tarot Tips – Bury the past, forgive it, bury it and start fresh.

VIRGO –  23rd Aug–22nd  Sept

Career – You will have the ability to complete your work, through confidence in your self-discipline and patience and will enjoy the fruits of your efforts.

Finance – Excess money is indicated. So it’s time for some charity. It also indicates repaying money that is owed or receiving that money back from someone.

Health – Indicates improvement in health issues and Enjoyment of good health.

Relationship – New relationships are indicated or there will be an improvement in existing relationships.

Tarot Tips – Think twice and act wisely.

LIBRA – 23rd Sept–23rd Oct

Career – It indicates the beginning of a new project and the laying of plans for the future for which some assistance will be required in the form of a loan or some sort of assistance from someone else to further your plans.

Finance – It indicates the beginning of something new; you will have full control on finances. The result depends entirely on your intention, desire, or how much you want.

Health – There will be relief from health issues and improvement in your health, improvement in health is indicated after a period of suffering.

Relationship – Within a relationship laughter threats, pressure may be indicated or loss of self-respect.

Tarot Tips – Let go of your expectations and cultivate patience.

 SCORPIO  – 24th  Oct–21st  Nov

Career – Indicates new job offer, opportunity within existing job or any business opportunity.

Finance – Changes are indicated for betterment. An important decision will be made and there will be growth in finances.

Health – After struggling with health issues, changes for betterment are indicated. Your efforts and hard work will reap rewards.

Relationship – Indicates domination and control in a relationship.

Tarot Tips – Time to be accountable for your choice.

SAGITARRIUS –  22nd  Nov–21st  Dec 

Career – Indicates struggle, disappointments or unemployment. You need to take action to come out of this situation

Finance – Some good news is expected in the form of promotion, increment or getting unexpected finances.

Health – Mental tensions or stress will affect your health. So pay proper attention to enjoy good health. Be careful while travelling.

Relationship – Indicates enjoyment of good things, socializing or some good news is expected.

Tarot Tips – Take the time to listen to and feel your emotions without being controlled by them.

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WMA USA Certified Tarot Master Consultant & Tarot Master Teacher

Certified Graphologist (Handwriting) & Signature Analyst 

Email: thetarotconnection@gmail.com 

Website : http://www.sangeetatarotconnection.web.in 

Mob : +91 9819932609