1. Science / Technology

Know Why Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Is Best for Your Factory or Business

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When it comes to adopting new technology no business wants to remain behind. They are giving preferences to the innovations and integrating them into their business. Sensing location information in indoor environments is a challenging task as it requires a high level of accuracy and precision. In the indoor environment, different objects reflect and disperse signals. One such latest IoT technology is UWB locations system which has shown better performance in indoor positioning. It has generated lots of excitement due to the level of location precision offered by UWB positioning system. This positioning system can pinpoint location in real-time.

Here are some of the reasons mentioned why you need UWB positioning system for your business:

High-Level of Accuracy

One of the great benefits of UWB positioning is its accuracy. The high-bandwidth and low-frequency signal can pass through a variety of obstacles. The UWB positioning system is much more accurate than Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The accuracy of 30 centimeters can be achieved and thus it is quite beneficial for the factories to position moving objects. In plants, the accurate solution is crucial as weaker accuracy produces an erroneous picture. 

Less Power Consumption and Scalability

Location tags used by UWB indoor positioning system can work for a long duration due to low power usage. Without recharge, a location tag can collect data for two years. Hence, it reduces the maintenance costs for indoor positioning. A UWB-based indoor positioning system can track many tags in one facility. Thus, it is quite suitable for every size of the industry. The growing business that uses UWB system helps them to include more assets and cover a large area without re-installation. 

Deployment Time Is Less

Installing the infrastructure for a UWB based system does not require much time. Also, it does not hamper the ongoing activities and there is no need to pause operations. Hence, the business can integrate this modern technology within a few hours. There are many renowned companies available in the marketplace that offer a UWB-based location tracking system for every size of business.

Minimum Radio Interference

As compared to phones and other equipment that generates radio signals, UWB has less power and spreads evenly over a wide range of the spectrum. Thus, it is suitable to be used in hospitals, production facilities, and other multi-room spaces.

UbiTrack is a world-popular brand that manufactures and supplies indoor positioning solutions with high accuracy, flexibility, and low cost. Accurate heart rate monitor watch is one of its most popular products which is affordable and has lots of features.

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