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Korean Athletes Disbanding Ceremony in Hangzhou

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Korean Athletes Disbanding Ceremony in Hangzhou… “Please Stock up on Capabilities to Challenge the Paris Olympics.”



The competition ended in 3rd place overall, following China and Japan.

Chairman Lee Ki-heung said, “There is greater value in accomplishments within oneself.”

The Korean team, which finished third overall at the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games, concluded the competition with a disbanding ceremony on the 8th.

The Korea Sports Council held a disbandment ceremony at the ‘Sports Diplomacy Lounge’ at the Grand New Century Hotel in Hangzhou, China, and encouraged the players and coaches. 카지노사이트

The event was attended by Korea Sports Council President Lee Ki-heung, athlete team leader Choi Yoon, Jincheon Athletes' Village head Jang Jae-geun, officials from the Korea Sports Council, and 65 athletes including archery, baseball, soccer, breaking, and water polo.

It was held while athletes in most sports were returning home or traveling according to international competition schedules.

Korea won 42 gold medals, 59 silver medals, and 89 bronze medals in this competition.

With 42 gold medals, they achieved their goal of 3rd place overall, following China (200 gold medals) and Japan (51 gold medals).

Korea won more than 70 gold medals at the 2010 Guangzhou and 2014 Incheon Games, but the number of gold medals decreased significantly to 40 after the 2018 Jakarta/Palembang Games and the current Hangzhou Games.

The number of gold medals fell short of the target of 45 to 50.

However, it was evaluated that the poor performance of the Jakarta-Palembang competition five years ago was made up for by the rapid progress in basic sports such as swimming and badminton.

Jae-geun Jang, head of the Jincheon Athletes' Village, said after reporting on the results of winning medals, winning multiple titles, and breaking records, “The people must have been impressed by the way you do your best and play hard,”

“I hope you will work hard again and show even better performance for the Paris Olympics.”

Chairman Lee Ki-heung said, “Achievement is not the only thing that makes life happy.

Doing your best and accepting the results, those moments come together to make today, and today is what makes my life.

Social reputation or achievement “It is important, but there is greater value in the actions within me and the accomplishments within me.”

At the same time, he encouraged, “The most important thing for an athlete is accepting the result.

The National Sports Festival will be held soon after, and after the Sports Festival, the Paris Olympics will be held a few months later.

I hope you will stock up on the ability to take on the challenge.”

Choi Yoon, head of the team, said, “We fell a little short of the number we aimed for in winning medals.

As the head of the team, I fully feel responsibility.

I will strive to achieve better results at the Paris Olympics in one year and at the Asian Games in three years.”

Meanwhile, after the greetings, team leader Choi Yoon returned the short term to Chairman Lee Ki-heung.

The disbanding ceremony ended with a commemorative photo taken with all the players in attendance.



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