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Laptops have now become essential to our lives in more ways than one. Students need a laptop for online classes, notes taking as well as study materials, and now it has become even more necessary since the covid 19 pandemic! Even school students from primary schools need a laptop to pursue their education. Moreover, laptops can be used for studying, working, shopping as well as gaming. They are, in short, a handy gaming console. With all of these purposes, laptops have become essential in today's world where you have to keep up if you don't want to lag. Cheap Laptops can make this easy. Buying refurbished laptops at affordable prices can reduce the stresses of daily life. And a common misconception and reluctance to buy refurbished laptops is because of the assumption that it is no better than a secondhand laptop. But this cannot be farther from the truth.

What Is A Refurbished Laptop?

They are, in short, Cheap Laptops. They are not simply secondhand as is the common assumption. They are bought from offices that discard their office laptops in bulk and replace them with new ones. These laptops due to being used in office environments usually do not have the issues that are common with buying used laptops. As such they have good performance and the least damages. But they are still refurbished to make them as good as new and to improve their performance even further. This process of refurbishing is what makes them better than secondhand laptops. Other than office laptops, they are also laptops that have been used as demo products in electronics stores. But let us get back to the refurb process. 

Below is a summary of what it is and how it can be beneficial:

  • Secondhand laptops are only wiped of memory and data and reset before they are sold. This is not the case with refurbished Cheap Laptops. Refurbished laptops begin with a memory wipe. 
  • These laptops are thoroughly checked for damages with internal and external hardware. This means that any hardware that is old or is damaged will be repaired if that is sufficient and if not, it is replaced with new parts. 
  • The most common problem with secondhand laptops are issues with screens that are not noticeable until a couple of uses. These things are usually checked and fixed when it comes to refurbished Cheap Laptops.
  • Another common issue is problems with USB/HDMI/Charging ports. These damages may prove expensive to repair, and it may not be worth it to buy a secondhand laptop just to spend more money on its repairs. With Cheap Laptops that are refurbished, these issues are fixed before they are put back on the market. 
  • An important reason to buy a refurbished laptop is that they are put through a series of tests to check performance, speed and other issues. So its performance is usually improved and pretty much as good as new. 

If all of the above reasons do not suffice, it should be enough that it is an environmentally friendly choice to make. Usually used laptops are discarded into landfills and this creates a toxic environment. The decomposition of these materials ends up releasing toxins into the ground. This severely affects the water bodies in the surrounding areas as well as the groundwater. This can cause severe harm to any animals and birds that eat anything from the nearby areas as well as humans who drink water from such areas. Instead, refurbishing extends laptop lives by at least a few years and not to mention it comes with a warranty of at least a year.

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