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Larger cracks or chips are “liquidated” with putty

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Larger cracks or chips are “liquidated” with putty

A fabric patch is enough to close small cracks. The fabric should be abundantly saturated with oil paint and applied to the damaged area. Then the entire roof is painted. Such repairs are simple and inexpensive, but, unfortunately, short-lived. Such a patch can last about 3-4 years, after which the procedure will need to be repeated. Slots can be filled with epoxy or other similar adhesive. To eliminate such damage, more modern materials, such as self-adhesive diffuse tape, are quite suitable. It is worth clarifying that for the roof it is better to choose a tape on a perforated basis, it is able to withstand exposure to sunlight. Larger cracks or chips are “liquidated” with putty. To do this, 1 part of cement and 3 parts of asbestos are mixed, the dry mixture is diluted with diluted water with PVA glue (1: 1). The ready solution is suitable for work within 2-3 hours, then it hardens. You can mix cement with fine-grained sand in a ratio of 1: 2, stirring with clean water.

 Fixing the problem

It should be remembered that roofing work is associated with a high risk of injury. Here you can slip, stumble from dizziness. These are serious enough arguments to contact a specialized company where experienced roofers will perform all the required manipulations.As a rule, the repair of the slate roof of a private house can be done independently. Light Roof Repair tapping in strong winds may mean that the slate nails are partially out of the batten. You can fix the problem by replacing the nails with self-tapping screws with a wide hat and a sealing gasket. Since used slate is fragile enough not to be damaged when old nails are removed, a block of wood should be placed under the nail puller. If problems occur in the corner pieces of the roof, they will need to be removed. A self-adhesive aluminum tape is mounted on the bottom of the elements, the defect is filled with epoxy glue, left to dry completely. If the old slate sheet is unsuitable for further use, it is completely replaced. At the same time, fasteners are removed from the defective sheet, as well as from neighboring ones. After laying a fresh slate sheet, the fasteners are reinstalled.

Please note that a complete replacement of the roof of the house, or its current repair, should be carried out in the warm season, but not too hot. The optimal periods are autumn and spring, when dry weather sets in. Under such conditions, roofing materials will not lose their basic Roof Repairqualities, and all paint and varnish and repair compounds will receive an optimal drying environment. In this way, maximum material reliability can be achieved. Before starting repair work, the roof surface should be cleaned of dirt and debris. Places where repair work will be carried out should be treated with special substances that improve adhesion.

  • More likely to corrode, which is one of the main causes of an emergency. Here, the formed rust is cleaned with a metal brush. Then a patch of the same material is applied. The patch should be at least 10 cm larger than the damaged area. Fixation is carried out with solder, the excess surfacing is carefully removed with a file.
  • It is recommended to paint not only the restored area of ​​the roof, but also the entire surface with paint, which includes a corrosion inhibitor.
  • If spot repair is impractical due to numerous or major damage, then the entire sheet must be replaced. Rolling of folds is made by the special device. For prevention, it is desirable to go through all the connecting seams with this tool

.Please note that a complete replacement of the roof of the house, or its current repair, should be carried out in the warm season, but not too hot. The optimal periods are autumn and spring, when dry weather sets in. Under such conditions, roofing materials will not lose their basic Roof Repairqualities, and all paint and varnish and repair compounds will receive an optimal drying environment. In this way, maximum material reliability can be achieved. Before starting repair work, the roof surface should be cleaned of dirt and debris. Places where repair work will be carried out should be treated with special substances that improve adhesion.

self-tapping screws 

As a rule, the repair of the slate roof of a private house can be done independently. Light tapping in strong winds may mean that the slate nails are partially out of the batten. You can fix the problem by replacing the nails with self-tapping screws with a wide hat and a sealing gasket. Since used slate is fragile enough not to be damaged when old nails are removed, a block of wood should be placed under the nail puller.

If problems occur in the corner pieces of the roof, they will need to be removed. A self-adhesive aluminum tape is mounted on the bottom of the elements, the defect is filled with epoxy glue, left to dry completely. If the old slate sheet is unsuitable for further use, it is completely replaced. At the same time, fasteners are removed from the defective sheet, as well as from neighboring ones. After laying a fresh slate sheet, the fasteners are reinstalled.

Assessing the degree of damage

Don't forget to take care of your roof . In a word, make sure that the climate in the house is under your control. In emergency work, not only skill is required, but also a good memory. After all , what you do temporarily, then it is desirable to redo it “forever” Take your time, hearing the sound of drops on the floor, climb onto the roof. It is better to listen to the music of the rain for a while than to heal broken bones for a long, long time. Do not neglect the technical innovations – stainless steel roofing nails, nail remover. The first will save you from problems in the future, the second will greatly facilitate the work. Assessing the degree of damage to the roofWorking with the truss system of a private houseRestoring a roof made of asbestos-cement slateWorking with metal deckingRepairing a roof made of cement-sand or ceramic tilesRestoring and replacing a soft roof.

Learn More Visit Us : https://www.sanantonioroofrepair.net/



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