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Originally published by Quantzig: Last-Click Attribution: Business benefits for your organization


Marketing attribution is crucial for understanding how your marketing efforts influence revenue and profitability. One commonly used approach for measuring this impact is last-click attribution.

In this article, you'll discover:

  • What last-click attribution involves and how to apply it effectively
  • The limitations of relying solely on last-click attribution
  • How adopting a more comprehensive attribution model can provide richer insights

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Last-Click Attribution: Quantzig’s Expertise

Client Overview: A prominent global retailer specializing in gifts, greeting cards, and keepsakes, with both online and physical store operations.

Challenges: The client needed more effective attribution methods to gain clearer insights into their digital marketing efforts.

Solutions Provided by Quantzig: We optimized spending efficiency by integrating real-time digital data and refining attribution with the last-click model. Additionally, we used MMM + MTA models for swift, customer-level insights and performance analysis, incorporating A/B testing, keyword optimization, SEO, and SEM.

Impact Achieved: Our solutions helped the client create a digital performance control tower, enhancing their ability to monitor channels and track conversions. This led to more efficient campaign planning, A/B testing, and budget allocation, resulting in a 15% increase in conversion rates for H3 2023.

What is an Attribution Model?

An attribution model assigns credit to various marketing activities based on their role in driving clicks, form submissions, and conversions. These models are crucial for evaluating marketing strategy success, calculating ROI, and effectively allocating resources.

What is Last-Click Attribution?

Last-click attribution is a model where all credit for a conversion is assigned to the final touchpoint a customer interacts with before making a purchase. For example, if a customer buys a product online, the last advertisement or page they engaged with before checking out is credited with the sale. This model helps identify which final touchpoints are most effective in driving conversions.

Why Do Marketers Use Last-Click Attribution?

1. Simplicity: Last-click attribution is easy to implement and manage, with tools like Google Analytics often defaulting to this model.

2. Key Insights: It provides valuable insights into the final stages of the customer journey, revealing what drives conversions.

3. Transition Challenges: Moving away from last-click attribution can be challenging due to its deep integration into existing systems and the need for more sophisticated tools to track multiple touchpoints.

Drawbacks of Last-Click Attribution

1. Limited Perspective: Last-click attribution offers a narrow view by focusing solely on the final touchpoint, missing other crucial interactions throughout the customer journey.

2. Skewed Metrics: This model can lead to skewed marketing strategies by emphasizing the last touchpoint and overlooking the impact of earlier interactions and brand-building efforts.

3. Overlooking the Conversion Funnel: Last-click attribution focuses on the final conversion step while neglecting earlier stages such as awareness, interest, and desire.

Addressing the Limitations of Last-Click Attribution

1. Integrate Data: To achieve a comprehensive view of the customer journey, integrate lead data with CRM systems and other platforms. This helps track interactions beyond the final click.

2. Explore Advanced Models: Consider adopting multi-touch attribution or unified marketing measurement (UMM) for a broader perspective on marketing performance across all touchpoints.

3. Overcome Organizational Challenges: Address issues like siloed data, outdated processes, and organizational barriers by promoting collaboration and aligning goals across marketing teams.

Quantzig Solutions Portfolio

Quantzig offers advanced marketing analytics solutions designed to address the limitations of last-click attribution. Our expertise includes data integration, advanced attribution models, and insights into customer behavior across multiple touchpoints. Transitioning to more sophisticated attribution methods allows businesses to make informed decisions, optimize resource allocation, and enhance ROI.

Experience our customized analytics solutions with a complimentary pilot tailored to your needs.


While last-click attribution is a widely used method, it’s not the only option. For a deeper understanding of customer behavior and a more accurate representation of the sales funnel, consider adopting unified marketing measurement (UMM). UMM combines data from various attribution models to provide a holistic view of campaign success, offering more precise insights, optimizing performance, and driving greater marketing success.

Click here to talk to our experts