1. Health

Lauki: Health Benefits And Precautions

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Since ancient times, people have considered lauki, also known as bottle gourd, among the healthiest vegetables. This multipurpose vegetable has a high water content (nearly 92%), which helps keep your body hydrated, and a high mineral content, which also helps keep your body hydrated.


It is also known as doodhi, and its health benefits warrant more attention being paid to it. Lauki is a type of vegetable with water content and contains a lot of calcium, vitamin K, and vitamin C. It can provide all of the essential nutrients.


It promotes heart health, lowers dangerous cholesterol levels, and has been incorporated into the diets of patients suffering from various medical conditions. Bottle gourds can be very small and in the shape of a bottle, very large and round, or very thin and twisted.

The Nutritional Value Of The Bottle Gourd

Lauki is a vegetable that is often overlooked despite having many beneficial nutrients. Let us determine whether including lauki in our diet will positively impact our overall well-being.


  • Calories- 14 kcal
  • Carbohydrates- 3.39 g
  • Proteins- 0.62 g 
  • Lipids- 0.02 g
  • Fibre- 0.5 g
  • Iron- 0.2 mg
  • Calcium- 26 mg
  • Potassium- 150 mg 
  • Sodium- 2 mg
  • Magnesium- 11 mg 
  • Phosphorus- 13 mg 
  • Zinc- 0.7 mg
  • Copper- 0.026 mg
  • Manganese- 0.066 mg 
  • Selenium- 0.2 mg
  • Vitamin C- 10.1 mg
  • Riboflavin- 0.022 mg


Health Benefits Of Lauki 

Lauki is an excellent source of zinc and vitamin C, contributing to overall health. In addition, if you are interested in finding a diet that will help you in weight loss, lauki is an ingredient that should be included in the diet.


Let us investigate further to see what else lauki has to offer.

1. Beneficial For The Health Of The Liver

The National Institute of Nutrients suggests a bottle of gourd may benefit the liver. There are numerous potential benefits of lauki, including supporting healthy liver function. Before using a lauki for liver conditions, you must converse with your primary care physician.

2. Beneficial To The Brain's Health

Consumption of lauki may benefit one's memory. Certain lauki constituents can alleviate pain and slow the activity of the central nervous system by having an effect on the brain. 


The CNS (Central Nervous System) depressant activity of lauki has the potential to be observed as having the effect of calming the mind. Consult a medical professional to obtain an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan before consuming a lauki to reap its benefits for the brain.

3. Decreases The Chance Of Developing Cancer

According to the findings of a study conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), lauki extract may be able to prevent the growth of cancerous cells.


In addition, research in a laboratory suggests that the extract from the plant's stem may exhibit powerful cytotoxic (meaning dangerous to cells) activity against cancer cell lines. The lauki plant's anticancer properties include its potential antioxidant and cytotoxic properties because it is an anti-cancerous food.

4. Helpful In Diabetes

The bottle of gourd has been used as a treatment for diabetes in traditional medicine. As it is low in fat and contains a high fibre concentration, lauki may be the food for diabetics. 


An investigation conducted by the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) found that diabetic participants who took lauki extract had significantly lower levels of glucose in their blood.


Studies of this kind have demonstrated that bottle gourds may offer some protection against diabetes. However, additional research is still needed to validate these effects in people.

5. Beneficial To The Skin

The bottle gourd, rich in zinc and vitamin C, is thought to have several beneficial properties for the skin. Vitamin C is essential to overall skin health because it has the potential to protect the skin from the potentially damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation.


It helps avoid ageing skin symptoms like skin sagging. Increasing the production of skin barrier lipids will help the skin barrier become stronger. If you have skin conditions, you should talk to a dermatologist specialising in skincare. They can provide information regarding herbs and vegetables' advantages and disadvantages.

Precautions To Take During Consumption Of Lauki

When using lauki, it is vital to take precautions such as the following:


Cooked lauki is safe for pregnant women to consume as a vegetable. On the other hand, eating excessive food or vegetable can have toxic effects, so eating these things in moderation is essential.


In India, lauki is a vegetable consumed in small amounts or as an ingredient in various foods and dishes. However, because of the bottle gourd's curative effects, an excessive amount of this vegetable should not be consumed. Before proceeding, talk it over with your primary care physician or another qualified healthcare provider.


The Bottom Line

Lauki, also known as doodhi in India, is one of the healthiest vegetables and is a veritable powerhouse of nutrients and health advantages. It is also a popular home remedy for various health problems. Therefore, it deserves a place in your kitchen if you prefer natural treatments over prescription drugs.


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