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League of Legends – Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol

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League of Legends – Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol

The Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol is a legendary star dragon who is one of the most powerful creatures in League of Legends. This ancient dragon is known as the Ao Shin to seven generations of worshipers. This ancient creature has been entrusted with the power of the storm by the gods for centuries. His most recent transformation was into a Dragonmancer, which allowed him to direct his enormous power toward purging the world of evil.

The Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol is an incredibly rare champion that shares its name with the Fae, as well as the colors of clouds and thunder. The new skin resembles the original Aurelion Sol, but is significantly better than the default one. It also costs 1350 gold, which makes it a great value for the money. As long as you don't mind paying 1350 gold for your next champion, it's definitely worth a try.

The Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol is a fantastic mid-lane champion that takes on the appearance of the storm dragon Ao Shin. His massive size and damage kit make him an excellent mid-lane champion. Although the skin is not as versatile as the default Aurelion Sol, he is a powerful mid-lane champion that can help you win games. If you want to play this skin as a main tank, you can switch to a more squishy one to make it more appealing.

In addition to his unique look, the Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol also features new animations, visual effects, and sounds. This Storm Dragon is a mythic creature from the world of League of Legends, which makes it a great choice for mid-lane champions. It also costs 1350 gold, so it's well worth the investment. It's possible that this new skin will prove to be more popular than the original.

Like its namesake, the Aurelion Sol is a mythical creature with a golden and blue color scheme. Its face is reminiscent of a storm dragon and blends in with the map's hues. However, this dragon is far from being the most popular – in fact, it is the least popular – of all the reincarnated versions of the Ao Shin. Its blue and yellow hues make him a very interesting champion.

The Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol has a cloud and thunderstorm-based aesthetic. With this aesthetic, the Storm Dragon looks like a mythical creature. It is also a very powerful dragon, which makes it an excellent choice for mid-lane. Its unique appearance and unique skills make him a popular champion in the game. Whether you're playing as a team or solo, the Aurelion will make your game even more exciting!

The storm dragon aurelion sol  is a new champion in League of Legends. It shares the same attributes as the default Aurelion Sol, but with a more attractive skin. The Storm Dragon Aurelion is a unique champion that is perfect for a range of situations. Despite its appearance, it has many of the traits of its own. Aside from the unique skin, it also has a blue and golden skin.

Aurelion Sol's appearance is similar to that of the original Ao Shin, another storm-based dragon. Its color scheme is similar to the color of the clouds and the sky, and its appearance is unique. Its unique traits make him an excellent mid-lane champion. It is also one of the more affordable champions in the game. It's available for the standard 1350 champion price. And you can get it right now!

The Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol has a unique skin with a blue and golden color scheme. Its model is a Fae themed monster with a bow and cloak that resembles fairy wings. The Storm Dragon's skin is a unique skin, and the player can use it to customize their character. If you want to make your own Aurelion Sol skin, just use the Public Beta Environment.

This skin is similar to that of the Fae Dragon, but a Fae themed dragon with a different color scheme. This character's cloak and bow match his own skin tone. Its body and head are both modeled after fairy wings. The name ‘Ao Shin' also represents a different gender, but the ‘Aurelion Sol' has a unique appearance. And, while Faes aren't the only ones with cloaks and bows.




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