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source: https://awebrootus.com/learn-how-to-create-edit-and-delete-notes-in-ios-devices/

Note- Taking applications have become the most crucial part of our daily productivity. All types of technology play a significant part in our everyday lives and especially when we are working in any business organisation. We can’t thank the Notes application that is specially designed to make notes of almost every important information with EverNote. The Note App is a powerful application that provides many features to its users. Do you want to boost your notes application management? Need some tips to delete, create, or edit notes on your iPhone or iPad. Well, there are many ways through which you can create, edit, or delete your notes on your iPhone or iPad devices directly from the Notes Application. But, it’s best to keep them synced in the iCloud to avoid losing any important notes in case you change your device.

Here, in this article, we will guide you some of the tips through which you can boost your Notes app management and can create, edit, or delete any notes on your iOS device.

Tips to Create, Edit, and Delete Any Notes on iOS Devices

Creating a New Note on iPhone or iPad Devices

  • Tap on the Notes Application given on the home screen of your iOS device.
  • Tap on the Create New Note option placed at the bottom right of your screen to create any new notes.
  • Tap anywhere in the note to use the on-screen keyboard to type your note.
  • When you are finished typing the content of your note, then tap on Done.

After you are done creating your note, then by default your note will be saved, assigning a filename including the current date and time and some words of your note. You can find your note place right at the top of the list of notes.

Editing Any Existing Note on Your iPhone or iPad Devices

  • Tap on the Notes App placed on the home screen of your iPhone or iPad.
  • Select the note that you need to edit.
  • Tap on the note to use the onscreen keyboard and start editing your note.
  • Tap on done when you are finished editing your note.

Deleting Any Note on Your iPhone or iPad

To delete any note on your iOS device, you must have to follow the same steps that are mentioned above except that in the last you have to tap on the trash can button in the final attempt.

These were some simple steps to follow if you wish to create, delete or edit any note on your iPhone or iPad.